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Gaz last won the day on November 17 2023

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About Gaz

  • Birthday 19/01/1983

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    Desolation Row
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    High five! I like the sex, it nice!
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  1. Yes, there are plans in place for that. If it gets to a stage that the gym needs to get emptied for every home game, it will. I'm just saying that the reason it wasn't emptied at the weekend was because the club hadn't told the gym owner it needed to be.
  2. They have been. For Saturday's game they weren't told to clear it.
  3. Not quite. A friend of mine goes to the gym. The gym owner has been told (by the club) that there are only a few league games throughout the season where the gym equipment needs to be cleared out, presumably because the club anticipate that the away team will bring a support that needs the whole stand (and therefore four turnstyles). He wasn't told to clear it out before the Partick game - my guess is that someone at the club didn't anticipate the size of the crowd Partick would bring.
  4. Possibly a controversial take, but on watching the highlights I'm not sure it was a dive for the second yellow. The boy gets right back up and doesn't claim for anything. I wonder if he's just slipped.
  5. I missed the build up. Any reason he didn't start? Still carrying a knock or McGlynn reluctant to change a winning side after last week?
  6. The Partick players have had more head knocks than Frank Bruno.
  7. I think if Hearts had taken any one of their first half chances we'd have been looking at a totally different scoreline. Without Hogarth you could easily have been three or four up by half-time. Not taking those chances just gave us the confidence we needed to have a go in the second half.
  8. Genuinely trying to think if even Jeffries had a better ratio of hits:misses in terms of player signings as McGlynn has.
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