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Bairnardo last won the day on July 13

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  • Sandy Alexander is a Fifer

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  1. Totally get that but he really has been behind some of the relatively speaking, best performers imaginable at the level. He's have done his fair share of damage of he was first choice last year. Likewise Ethan Ross who was well liked by the Raith fans at Championship level. Morrison and Miller absolute hosed that league last season and were completely undroppable
  2. I reckon Alfie could be coached into a version of that role. He makes bad decisions when he has too much time but if he could adapt his game to win, hold off, lay off then turn and run it might be sort of brutally effective
  3. He is a useful squad guy and I suppose there's a drop off to squad guys at all levels of football. For though the issue is our style relies so heavily on the 1 up top being able to hold up, win balls in the air etc and I just think we look toothless if he replaces Maciver. Think he's better behind the striker but we're pretty well covered there so it sort of naturally falls that he's the guy who most would have let go. Don't think it's much against the man himself, more a balance of what we need versus what we have lots of.
  4. Not much shocks you these days when it comes to headline v content, so I clicked on that expecting a whole load of nothing. Got to the line and burst out laughing. Fair play John. f**k knows what yer meaning is but I almost spat beer out
  5. Folk shouldn't fall for it, but that doesn't mean Blane is anything less that a tedious saddo
  6. If Dunfermlines problems aren't being illustrated by a series of Simpsons gifs, then the chair doesn't recognise them.
  7. Not at all. The woman was a precisely equal level of arsehole aswell
  8. By far the nearest to a breakdown was myself and the guy in front of me
  9. People stopping in pathways etc is a well worn one on here, but either iv hit an age related crabbit c**t tripwire, or its getting worse. The examples of complete fucking ignorance I've witnessed in recent weeks has driven me insane. To give an example, Morrisons in Falkirk has one door for entrance/exit. Usually on the outside of the door there's a sort of pathway leading up of pallets of whatever outdoor shit is on offer.... plants or charcoal or whatever. So there's about 8 narrow yards where people enter and exist he store. Wife with trolley and auld guy in a electric wheelchair/motorised type deal have clearly shopped together and need to divide their stuff. Where do they choose to stop, turn broadside and start gittering about with what's in the bags? Imagine being so fucking ride as to fully block the only way in or out of a shop when there acres of room yards from you? Fucking awful behaviour but seems to occur every day now
  10. Presumably a highly lucrative, higher level and all round better career awaits in Spain
  11. I wonder how more money will solve the legal cases re how many games the players have to play.....
  12. Fan owned means we elect representatives to board. It doesn't mean we as fans get to make demands about every day to day aspect of running the club. Imagine how tiresome that would get for all involved
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