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AUcal last won the day on May 23

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    Ayr United

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  1. This. Ahead of this season, we've won less than a third of our home games stretching back 5 seasons. That was almost exclusively down to awful tactics and horrendous football. I don't think folk understand how difficult it is to get new folk along when the entertainment level is like that. Anytime I've brough mates along in the last few years, its been a kind of "aye, that was good mate, but the football was pish" - and it's difficult to get them back along. It's always tough building up a support in towns in the west coast of Scotland, but even more difficult when the performances are as turgid as we've been treated to.
  2. Aye this. I was genuinely delighted with how professional our performance was at Steni. That sounds mental really, to be delighted that we disposed of lower league opposition with relative ease. I think it goes to show how poor our general set up, coaching and approach to games has been at times through the last few years.
  3. SPFL website has the following: If clubs are level on points at the end of the group stage, the criteria for separating them is 1) goal difference, 2) goals scored, 3) away goals scored, 4) matches won, 5) away matches won, 6) head-to-head record, 7) drawing of lots. Currently we've scored 6 and Falkirk have scored 7. Dundee United have scored 10. We have scored 5 away from home, Falkirk have scored 5 away, and Dundee United have scored 5 away from home - none of this will change as no one has an away game left. All 3 have won 1 away game - also won't change. Essentially, just try and rattle them in tomorrow.
  4. Bruce Anderson playing in a European tie. Football is a weird game.
  5. Makes it all the more remarkable that they managed to f**k up so spectacularly for relegation and several years in League 1, considering the decade or more of producing good players / teams and receiving handsome transfer fees off the back of it. Good laugh that.
  6. After the shaky start I thought we were quite impressive last night. Strong, determined and very well drilled. Have been impressed at the way we press our opponents, really limiting their time and space, and trying to stifle their passing moves. Steni seemed to want to pass the ball out from back to front, but for the most part we just didn't let them try. Thought our movement was excellent. Some of the runs our players were making (not all of them picked up by passes mind you - I think that'll come) were excellent. Consistently looking to stretch the defence and rotating to keep defenders on their toes. I think in a few weeks we might really see things click and we'll get some more of the nice moves and passing we've seen glimpses of. If I'm being greedy, I felt we could have had at least a couple more. Given how tight the group is, it would have been nice, but very happy with the performance overall. Had Rus been on the park I think we may well have ended up with a couple more given how the game went. I'm getting very excited at the prospect of having combinations like Murphy and Rus on the park together.
  7. Just finished all of this and thought it was absolutely brilliant. Season 3 was a big drop off though. It was still okay, but nowhere near the quality of the first 2 seasons. The family Christmas episode in season 2 was incredible, but I think the episode after it, where Richie realises his potential and begins to have some respect for himself, was amongst the best episodes of TV I've ever seen. Hopefully part 4 returns to the strength of the first two seasons.
  8. Rus is just brilliant to watch. His quick feet and his composure are really impressive. If he stays fit and firing it's going to be a real joy watching him this season.
  9. Aye, happened all the time growing up in Troon/Ayr. It's total old firm territory, blue side in particular. Goes hand in hand with "what school did you go to". Going to school in Ayr it was considered weird to support Ayr United. The assumption for most people that I interacted with was that I followed Celtic, as most (not all) of my pals did. "Aye but you must like one of them?" But aye, its largely irrelevant as OF fans have already decided which side they think you support, regardless of how completely uninterested you are in them. They live in a bubble.
  10. There are some clubs that have seem to have a disproportionate amount of posters on here. For example there are a lot of Ayr posters, but that's probably because we don't really have our own fan forum. I think that's probably the case for a most clubs actually - if they have their own club forum sites then number of users on here is much smaller. There are clubs who were seemingly big in numbers here from the off - St Mirren, Falkirk, Clyde etc. I don't venture into the dizzy heights of the Premiership forum often, but would it be fair to say that most activity on the forums is in the championship threads?
  11. As it says on the tin really. This league is very central belt ish. The furthest north is Kirkcaldy and furthest south, Ayr. On paper, it's not the most exciting of seasons for away trips across the board. I know some fans (myself included) will be somewhat familiar with the grounds they'll be visiting - but can we make it any less shite? Away crowds may be up slightly with the closer proximities of clubs - so with the league season almost underway, give your fellow diddy team supporters some tips on how to make the most of away games. What do you recommend for visits to your town / club? Where is the best place to drink pre / post match? Where is easiest to find a parking spot? What's the scran like at your club? Are your stewards arseholes? etc. Whatever it may be. Feel free to add information about your own club or things you like doing when visiting any other club.
  12. We now have options across the defence, which is more than can be said for a few a seasons past. We've gone from worrying about RB to feeling pretty okay about it as long as Watret keeps performing - which I think he will. I'd like to see us now try to move McMann out to LB to see how he performs in his natural position - so far I think he has been a mixed bag at CB, (but generally better than a lot of what we've had at that position in recent times). I'd like to think our planned starting 2 CB's will be Musonda and Stanger, but I'd imagine the plan will be to have a lot of rotation with Devlin. If Devlin proves to be the player that Livi fans are talking about then we can take him out and put McMann back in as a CB cover (or starter, depending on Injuries etc). Overall, I feel a lot more confident in our defence going into a league season than I have for a long time. Dempsey isn't perfect but I think with him in front of the defence we'll look a lot more settled than we did in the 1st half against Falkirk. Although, 2nd half I felt we stifled Falkirk very well and limited the space they had been getting before the break.
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