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  1. Just read the McGlynn comments in the FH this morning. I don't think he's doing anything other than trying to manage expectations. I certainly haven't read his comments as a dig at the board or fans
  2. My partner started a new job last month and was told pay day was the last Wednesday in the month so we've worked on the basis we'll both be paid next week. She checked her bank account today and found she's been paid "early". She told her mum tonight and the first words out her mum's mouth were "how much did you get?" Why do people think these questions are acceptable?
  3. The difference between having MacIver up top or somebody else was shown in the last game of last season
  4. Passed my test in October 1997 and used my mum's car(s) for a bit until I was "grown up enough" to buy and pay for my own. My history is something like: D reg white Nissan Micra bought for £200 from my mum's cousin in 1998. Had this for about two years but it was weird having the indicators on the right and wipers on the left of the steering wheel. Sold to a scrappy for £50 in 2000 K reg red Volkswagen Polo, bought in 2000. Traded in in 2001, 3 months after having to pay £600 to get a new petrol tank. V reg blue Ford Fiesta bought in 2001. Nothing special about this but it got me out and about around Scotland following Falkirk more. Was the first car I bought on finance 53 plate maroon Rover Streetwise. Horrible car, should never have bought it but I wanted to have something different to my pals, it was definitely different! 09 plate silver/grey Corsa. Was the first and only car I've bought brand new. Kept it for 8 months and sold to we buy any car so I could start saving for a house and shared my partners car with her 12 plate grey Meriva is the first car my partner and I bought together, was a decent car and I liked the way the back doors opened. 64 plate "Bocarai Blue" Mokka. Bought in the same week my son was due as we needed a bigger car for the travel system and is the car we brought him home from hospital in. I was also travelling Falkirk to Kirkcaldy every day for work at the time so it being diesel made financial sense. Liked it a lot but traded in in 2017 when I moved jobs closer to home and we needed to save some cash. 64 plate white Meriva. Purely to cut running costs from the Mokka. For the mileage we do it was definitely worth buying, but it was a nightmare going uphill. Electrics went in September 2020 Current car is a 19 plate Tucson. Best car I've ever driven. Haven't had any issues with it.
  5. I dont think the industrial estate is an option now as the pavement between the industrial estate and stadium is closed to pedestrians. Parking is available at the college or "the bog" area
  6. A group of supporters invested money into the club and ran it then entered talks with the new owners and allowed them into to run the club. It's now going tits up but it's not the supporters fault? Whose fault is it then?
  7. Would doubt the wages part. He'll still be training with us. A 50/50 split on the wages at most
  8. Any of you know when tickets are likely to go on sale for the game on 10th August?
  9. Now played 6, won 1 and lost 5. Playing in an open pairs competition on Saturday and the club mixed pairs on 3rd August, looking forward to both even although the weather doesn't look good for this Saturday At least 1 more tie to play as well as the club triples and rinks in September. My son's football will start taking over again soon so trying to play as much as possible right now
  10. I was there on Saturday night too. Stayed for the full show but everybody knows her routine by now. Don't remember anything too bad but at the same time nothing particularly laugh out loud funny. The warm up guy was utterly utterly rotten I've now seen Al Murray, Jason Manford, John Bishop, Kevin Bridges, Chris & Rosie Ramsey, Michael McIntyre and Sarah Millican. Every time I've seen any of them live I just can't watch them on anything again.
  11. This might have been mentioned previously but does anybody know what's happened to Alex Connon the GK coach? Noticed it was Callum Erskine doing the GK coaching last Monday then on Saturday Nicky Hogarth, Jamie Sneddon and Owen Hayward were doing the warm up themselves
  12. I might be thinking of the wrong two guys but didn't you both play for the P&B team years ago? 2007ish?
  13. They only have about 3 fans, there's not much to pick from I like him, he has his own opinions but always comes across as someone who loves and cares about his club, something I'm sure we can all relate to. He's always well researched. I really don't understand how people get wound up by his anti Falkirk agenda, it's all an act.
  14. Hope you're OK, same thing happened to a colleague re the not catching a breath, turned out to be stress related
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