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Status Updates posted by ayrunitedfw

  1. Eddie Malone will return that favour. Wardlaw will also score before running over over to Danny Lennin and giving him a glance which suggests GIRUY.

  2. Hey, There is a few of us wanting to play clubs. Can you accept me into the club.

  3. You shitting it yet ? The big boys from Ayrshire are coming.

  4. He is a fantastic wee player tbf. How good is Gary Teale and Gareth Wardlaw ?

  5. Havn't you be warned ?

  6. Not after she sees my Ayrshire cock ;)

  7. You will be pleased to know that "the thug" as you described him,Eddie Malone has resigned for next season

  8. stop sending me dodgy youtube videos ffs.

  9. Whos top ? That's pretty impresive for a striker who plays for the second bottom team. He is still an animal.

  10. Rickrolled mofo

  11. unlucky with that.

  12. never gonna let you go (8).

  13. never gonna give you up (8)

  14. loving you winding up the celtic fan with the big long stupid name. Keep it up

  15. Ok then :P Samson is a ginger Cock Wardlaw is an Ayr utd reject.

  16. he is a sound guy,spoke to him on the plane on the way back from florida. thats my claim to fame

  17. probably for the best. It will be Derek McI last game so you better savour it :P

  18. I'm not bad bellend. Yourself ?

  19. get it up you bellend .

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