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Everything posted by wunfellaff

  1. Rumours kicking about on various Timmy type (so no credence or clear or water from the Sevco boys then) sites that 4.45pm today could be 'interesting'............stock market type malarky maybe????
  2. Not in itself But do you see a difference between club + team? Just asking in advance. Like.
  3. Sorry, fell asleep Wasn't a total fishing trip. It was to see if, after the repetitive ''it was the company not the club that died'' , when Admin 2 happens, would there be a spin on ''ah but it was the club that died this time, we support the team''............
  4. Genuine question... Do you see the 'team' as seperate to the 'club' as seperate to the 'company'? Or do you split your loyalties?
  5. 1/ The Crazy_Frog couldn't even in various reincarnations. 2/ How do you know? 3/ Rangers are deid NEXT
  6. A tick is a bloodsucker , so Green is very welcome I would suppose..... I know future Sports Personality of the Year. Craig Whyte, is
  7. 50k paying customers would be better. He has already got the cash out of whatever the ST total is and the freebies handed out on match day don't count. It is the day to day cash he is needing to find and as he has already fleeced the ST punters he needs more...much like a vampire he needs to drink cash again..........soooooon.
  8. the board members that he was told to put in place, hardly democratic. I am certain it was posted a while back about the AIM, and one of the 'advantages' was you could dodge the voting rights if that is your want. If indeed there is a prospectus, which he is under no obligation to provide, it will be interesting.
  9. Exactly, for who would want out now what with all the untold off the radar wealth about to pour in?
  10. Really? And who can vote him out Tedi? Not the people that buy the shares that is for certain as there is no voting rights with this flotation I believe.
  11. Sorry, but it must have been a Sevconian that confirmed it, because it doesn't. Why do you think he went for the AIM and not the FTSE ?
  12. It wasn't imposed, withdrawn, imposed again.............. Sevconians, what are they like?
  13. Wrong - in what way was it altered for them to accept? They delayed it which is a crime in itself.
  14. Rangers did. They died. You transferred your alleigence to a new club. They are about to die. Where next Tedi? Go on, you know you want to
  15. But Tedi, HMRC might have a different view as to a length of the ''Season'' part of your ''Season Ticket'' as to what you hold........
  16. Possibly but RTC tweeting as we post that it will be hard for HMRC to prove Pheonix company unless evidence of shadow directors.......... Poo
  17. wasn't that to do with ticketus? Deal Is invalid under Scottish law but valid under English, so sevco registered then reregistered in different country...?
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