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Everything posted by Beachbum

  1. Only other options are Berry, davo, Stevenson or Vaughan on paper so hopefully hendry does come in to fill that void. Hendry does play a similar game to Nat though so not sure how that would work. And Lewis Milne.
  2. Midfielder Grant Gillespie is unavailable after picking up a knee injury against Montrose which looks set to keep him out for a number of weeks while goalkeeper Kieran Wright is also ruled out with a shoulder injury. McGlynn is hopeful of adding to the squad before the weekend, with the possibility of at least one loan player following him from Celtic.
  3. Raith Rovers, Smith, Thomson, McHattie, Herron, Murray, Benedictus, Robertson, Vaughan, Court, Hendry, Furtado. Subs, Brian, Spence, Buchanan, Barr, Matthews, McKay, Zanatta. Alloa Athletic,Parry, Taggart, Crane, Graham, McCart, Fleming, Cawley, Robertson, Stewart, Kirkpatrick, FlanniganSubs: Renton, Smith, Meggatt, Monaghan, Goodwin, Wilson
  4. Someone on Fantalk claiming to be in the know. According to him it's not McGlynn, he's not on the short list. Announcement from SP tomorrow morning.
  5. If Cuthbert wasn't going to play Watson it would have been simpler and more effect to play Davidson at right back and play McKay and Benedictus in the middle and leave Murray at left back. That way Wedderburn would have been free to play against their very combative midfield, it would have allowed Flanagan to move much further up the park and it would also have released Vaughan to move play up front with Nisbet. As it was that was a shambles of a line up.
  6. Nothing new here but you might want to listen to them anyway.
  7. If you're planning to go to the Kirk Inn (formerly the Abbey) for a pre-match pint tomorrow you'll have a long wait.
  8. Eric's pal in the this week's FFP. https://twitter.com/mattelder_ffp/status/1043092757458444289
  9. I'd rather do it the other way around ie appoint the likes of Danny Lennon and have Cuthbert as his assistant, learning along the way. That way Cuthbert will be given time to develop and we'll avoid appointing yet another long ball manager. Personally, I'm utterly sick to death of that brand of football. If we do go for the likes of Duffy and his ilk it will prove that the new board has learned absolutely nothing from the mistakes of previous boards.
  10. Laurie's time will probably be after his time at United is up.
  11. Having a different view doesn't make a person a moron, does it? If it does then there's a few morons giving their views below. Click on the first part of Matt Elder's post, not the bit about casting your vote.
  12. Being an ex-player wouldn't be one of my boxes. Not resorting to hoofball would.
  13. A chance to have your say - not really because a Gary F Locke type will probably get it. Jim F Duffy better not get it.
  14. This is what the fans need, not that the directors will pay much attention.
  15. To take your mind off yesterday's humping, Stark's Park from the air August 2018.
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