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Posts posted by expatowner

  1. 3 hours ago, Tartan Dave said:

    How’d it go?

    We had a great time hitting 33 out and 32 in  to total 65 less 7 = 58.    6 birdies and 12 pars.
    The organizers  put on free sausage sizzles,  pizzas, complimentary soft drinks etc and the weather was kind to us. 
    Unfortunately there seemed to be a heap of burglars playing and as a team we finished 10th.  
    On the up side, my wife won the ladies longest drive and I got nearest to the pin on a par 3, so we both won a bottle of wine and 3 balls.  

  2. We entered a team into a 4 ‘man’ Ambrose contest being played tomorrow. Unfortunately somebody has had to pull out and the only replacement we could get is my wife. She has only been playing for 18 months and has a handicap of 35 but gets nervous when the pressures on.
    I’m dreading it. Wish us good luck.

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