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Blue White Dynamite

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Posts posted by Blue White Dynamite

  1. Was gutted at the thought of missing the first BU game I could attend in over a year, so selfishly glad game is off. Penicuik should be a good test of Max's side, and with fixtures out tomorrow morning will be interesting to see who we start our league campaign against

    Almost poetic. The last match that took place in front of fans was… Penicuik v Bo’ness in March 2020.
  2. It’s a peculiarity of this mentally  diseased country that this is shot down because of bitter hatred, despite the fact that all evidence points to improved player development.
    Apparently it can be done in huge countries like Spain and Germany, but not here. Croatia was cited as an example of how it could benefit countries similar to Scotland with around 70% of their World Cup finalists coming through the B team system. An SPFL director rebutted the suggestion saying “Yes, but they’re a successful country”.  

    These countries also invest in facilities and high quality youth coaching.
  3. I'm currently watching Infinity War again.
    Steve has just appeared out of the shadows in Waverley. Absolutely tremendous.

    I remember walking through Waverley during the time they were setting up for filming. Walked past the sign for the coffee shop in that scene a few times and honestly thought it was just for some new pop-up coffee shop.

    Did anyone take a look at the first episode of Superman and Lois? Thought it was quite promising.

  4. There appeared to be a bit of a kafuffle, in the Musselburgh ‘players’ bubble, when a Penicuik committee member went in and lots of shouts for him to remove himself from the area.

    What actually happened was a bottle was thrown onto the pitch from the Musselburgh technical area while Penicuik were celebrating their third (you can see it in the footage of the goal) which led to the Musselburgh manager being booked.

    The Penicuik committee member you refer to approached the Musselburgh area to try and diffuse the situation as some shouts were exchanged between the Musselburgh technical area and Penicuik committee.
  5. I'm always appreciative of the match being streamed and will readily pay the fee to watch/donate, however last night's stream was very poor - freezing on at least 20 occasions. It was very frustrating. Hope Penicuik get it sorted for their next game. Saturday's was much better. 

    Last night's pitch & Saturday's was very poor too. Players struggled to pass the ball fluently any distance and were often found wanting slipping on their support foot. I doesn't make pleasant viewing seeing teams "hoof" the ball constantly because they have no faith in the surface. 

    Best wishes to both clubs going forward. I expect both to be near the top of the league come season end. 


    As far as I was made aware whilst I was streaming it, there was only one issue which occurred in between Penicuik’s first two goals, which was the streaming software crashing - indeed I apologised during the stream for that. Other than that, all reports I’ve had were that the stream was fine so unfortunately not sure what I can do to fix it these ‘freezes’. There is a setting on the stream to switch the latency which helps improve buffering which might be an option next time you check out one of our streams. Hopefully it hasn’t put you off watching one of them again. Could I also ask in future if there is a problem to drop me a message - it’ll help me fix any issues quicker.


    Also did you see Penicuik’s third goal? Players seemed to have enough faith to pass the ball at that point. A lot of work went into the pitch after Saturday to ensure it was even playable last night, as it has all season while the club seem to make improvements to the pitch. The amount of rain it’s had on it in the last few weeks has made it difficult to carry out these improvements.



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