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knee jerk reaction

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Posts posted by knee jerk reaction

  1. Loads of anti Muslim and racist stuff on my timeline, seems white Christians can kill without any reaction but anyone else and the "send them back" bigot brigade are out in force, for some reason enoch powell and his rivers of blood speech seems a common theme this time, am also getting bnp and other racist pages being shared, maybe I should reconsider some my friends!

  2. Apparently there are 2 ROMANIAN women abducting children in camelon and falkirk, please share!

    Was going to comment saying what happened to good old fashioned British women abducting weans, bloody immigrants coming over here etc... but isn't worth the hassle from the full time mummy brigade

  3. Guy i know has been posting political stuff about ukraine, the referendum and israel lately. Normally it's laughable stuff but he then posted (not ironically either) a rant about israel, asking if hitler had known what was coming? And then tried to stop the jews as israel is now going to start ww3!! The obvious question was "would there even be an israel if hitler hadn't tried genocide?" but getting into a debate with a mentalist who knows where you stay doesn't seem like a good idea (and still doesn't)

  4. Lassie on my fb posting that aid Cameron is giving to Philippines should stay here! the number of likes and quotes of the "well said hen" type is saddening. aid for a disaster where people are dying, people there so much worse off than anyone over here but distance seems to matter here for some reason!

    can't even delete her or i'd fall out with a family member over it :-(

  5. I had bother with an ex neighbour, i had a tenant staying in house who moved to a homeless shelter rather than stay next to the neighbour! i won't go into details on here but i can sympathise with anyone having neighbour problems. one thing i found was the council, while making all the right noises, were actually very little help.

  6. I could possibly agree with the fact they made a mistake and are paying for it, if they left a 3 year old in a room but they didn't leave her alone. they left her with 2 babies, they should never have been out like they were, irrespective of whether you think they are innocent or guilty. has been said before but others have been charged with neglect for less.

  7. i just think it's strange in those stories that go round fb with thousands of likes and comments, for some reason their caps lock gets stuck on the word CANCER but no other words! one on my fb today, guy wants to divorce wife, she stalls him for months, he realises he doesn't want divorce, goes to tell wife he doesn't want divorce but she is lying dead of CANCER, making him look good for their son!

    maybe if the story was, noticed wife was ill so got her medical attention, she got better would be a better story. the scary thing isn't someone makes this type of crap up but the huge number of people who believe this stuff.

  8. ^^^ sobbing uncontrollably

    Pish. Stranraer's response was of course the best route to go: but there is a vast yawning chasm between those who decided to admit Sevco at Third Division level and at First Division. Our club made its position clear that we'd have supported a Sevco admission at SFL3 level - not a stance I can agree with, but not one that would lead to a boycott. As it happens, a combination of little time before the league campaign starts, and the deliberate engineering of the issue voted for, left a new admission procedure by the wayside.

    None of that is even remotely comparable to swallowing every single lie and delusion from the SPL, in order to get Sevco in SFL1 and your own thirty pieces of silver into the bargain.

    pick on my whole argument, please explain why it was ok to refuse airdrie their newco original membership (leading to them taking clydebanks) but ok for newco rangers? the sfa/leagues position was perfectly clear, clubs could not form newcos and rejoin the league, therefore walking away from their debt. by allowing newco to join the 3rd every club that voted to let them back in has treated newco rangers different from newco airdrie.

    sporting integrity would be no newco in the league at all, end of story! i do agree that there is a big difference between putting the newco in the 3rd instead of the 1st but only 1 club can truly claim to still have sporting integrity, every other club has looked and seen more money for them allowing the newco back.

  9. So - your point - I think - is that 24 of the clubs who voted NO had already compromised their sporting integrity by allowing Sevco to join the league in the first place and therefore it doesn't matter that they voted NO to the second vote unsure.gif

    So, by your logic, it wouldn't have mattered if they'd all voted YES huh.gif

    I'm not sure I follow - perhaps you should underline some stuff in your reply !?

    jumping to conclusions a wee bit there. the clubs that voted no have compromised their sporting integrity, using this logic the logical conclussion is newco rangers not getting in the league. no or yes is just a matter of degree, although it's being shown as no=good, yes=bad. i'd say no is a better vote than yes but all the talk of not going, boycotts etc for clubs that voted yes is wrong as all clubs have compromised (except 1) by allowing newco into the league sporting integrity was compromised as it's seen as having newco in the league is financially better than not having them (due to tv money etc)

    as things are a deal has been done not on fairness or sporting integrity but to attempt to least upset all clubs fans while keeping tv, sponsors happy. integrity= no newco at all. i don't see how people can say they wouldn't go back if we voted yes but would if we voted no, it's only a no admittance vote that is being 100% principled

  10. Sweep sweep sweep

    lol!! how about coming back with an informed arguement showing why airdrie newco were refused their original membership and therefore not readmitted to the league but rangers newco are being allowed their original membership back into the league? where's the sporting integrity there?

    i'll type slowly now to help explain things. if the club being liquidated was say berwick (or another small club) not glasgow rangers, the newco would've been refused re-entry to the sfl. sporting integrity (nice catchphrase!) if it were being satisfied would mean rangers newco are refused entry to the sfl, ANYTHING ELSE SPECIAL TREATMENT FOR NEWCO RANGERS. this leaves 1 club in scotland with their sporting integrity intact, every other club who voted to allow newco rangers into the 1st or 3rd division have to different degrees compromised their sporting integrity. (and no-one knows for certain how most teams actually voted)

    there, not only did i type slowly, i even put some words in the big letters, even thought about underlining some words (underlining words is just taking it to far though, lol)

  11. sweep sweep sweep

    Unsurprised to see Falkirk once again dragging their name into the gutter with this Quisling act.

    i know this is a wind up attempt but in the interest of sporting integrity i'll reply! only 1 club in the sfl still has sporting integrity and that's the club who voted against "newco" being readmitted to the sfl. all others whether they voted yes or no (and we don't know how the vast majority did vote) sold out.

    airdrieonians were refused membership on the grounds that the sfa/sfl did not want a precedent where clubs walked away from their debts and reformed as a "newco" that's why airdrie united had to buy clydebanks membership to gain entry to the league. they were refused their own membership, unlike "rangers". therefore any team that voted differently from the time airdrie were liquidated are treating "rangers" as a special case. every club that voted "newco" for entry into the 3rd sold out, just a matter of degree how much.

    people are moaning about the clubs who either voted or are rumoured to have voted yes, sticking to the principle of sporting integrity (like this is meant to be about!!) and there's only 1 club with integrity and therefore not worth boycotting etc....i think most people talking about not going to games are just looking for excuses not to go anyway!!

  12. even if all 5 clubs who votes yes are revealed, it wouldn't affect the games i go to (whether we were one of the clubs or not). every sfl team was being blackmailed and were under incredible pressure. the fact some give into this is, in my opinion understandable. i will actively attempt to get to raith games v us in kirkcaldy as they were the one exceptional team in standing up to the pressure. i won't hold a yes vote against any sfl club but will reconsider games against any of the spl clubs who have tried to blackmail the rest of the leagues.

  13. martin ritchie has been chairmen when we've been relegated twice! boo hoo, what a bad chairman dry.gif i'm no looking at the history books but i'm totally sure that falkirk were constantly a top 10/12 team every year from our creation till ritchie took over as chairman! god there's some crap written in these forums *

    *no posting while hungover again, makes me a crabbit b****** :lol:

  14. He's obviously dropped his Calendar.

    i knew i'd see someone i know in here at some point :D . no been in the cally arms for years, it's no changed and i don't know if that's good or bad.

    as for his callender, he's a rangers fan, maybe his rangers callender only has a few months in it!! 8)

  15. having bought the rocky box set at xmas, i got round to watching the original rocky for the first time in years. it's a bit darker than the sequels and as a film is a million miles away from rocky 4. i thought it really stands up own it's own as a good film, better than i remembered it to be. worth 8 maybe 9 out of 10, recommended :)

  16. watched "the other guys" picked purely on the basis of being the next film to start after we got to the cinema. wasn't expecting to much from it.

    possibly not the film to see if you're looking for any type of plot but as a spoof cop/buddy movie it wasn't bad with some genuinely laugh out loud moments laugh.gif and plenty of smaller laughs rolleyes.gif .

    enjoyable overall and better than i expected so 7/10

  17. Must be honest,really don't fancy a turbo trainer either and am determined to keep going out during the winter, unless the weather is really bad .

    TBH I dont mind the cold or rain that much,as lng as it's not too windy

    No doubt,Monkeyblair will bide his time on this and remind us how nice and warm he was in his garage,on his turbo trainer,watching cable porn,while we were out freezing our nads off!

    got to agree with this. i take my bike to work in all weathers and cold, rain or even snow don't bother you once you're moving, it's the wind blowing against you that's the worst. loads of effort and you feel like you're getting nowhere.

    everytime i read this thread, i want to buy new stuff for my bike laugh.gif

  18. i cycle to my work regularly. however you get pedestrians who scream abuse at cyclists, stuff thrown out of car windows at you, car horn blasted as they go by (so original dry.gif and so funny blink.gif ).

    it's a great way to keep fit especially in good weather but cyclists do seem to be targets for idiots.

  19. just read NATION by terry pratchett, isn't a disc world novel and is the better for it. the last few disc world novels have been a bit similar, and although still good books not as good as they were.

    really enjoyed nation, i got into it right away and stayed gripped throughout the book.

    i'd say 8/10.

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