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Everything posted by jay_7

  1. I really, really hope that the big thing for the SmackDown chamber match is not Christian or Mysterio's return. Surely WWE writing isn't that bad??
  2. I liked Jericho when he first did the whole Y2J thing with the countdown on the Titantron. Now, he's trying too hard and I'm really struggling to like him. I want to but I just can't bring myself to. Totally didn't expect to see this match first, something big will go down later fo' sho'.
  3. Anyone think Sheamus will announce which title he'll go for tonight or do you think he'll do that tomorrow night?
  4. Please, please, please let this signal 'Taker going back to his American Badass character! This "deadman" pish and sombre, slow walk to the ring just doesn't generate the same excitement! If this was the plan, I'd have preferred to see this built up before his return. Unfortunately given how piss poor the writing has been recently, I just don't think it'll happen and it'll turn out to be some sort of totally unbelievable nonsense.
  5. Justice! That's taking a turd and rolling it in glitter, right there.
  6. It's official. For this to be even a little bit enjoyable now, I'd quite like Sheamus to win.
  7. Potentially the worst Rumble ever. It's up to 30 now to rescue this piss poor PPV.
  8. When are WWE going to learn not to give Miz a mic?
  9. Worst fucking RAW ever. What an absolute let down.
  10. Conveniently, the tour dates for 2012 have been removed off their site now. It was the first thing I checked when all the Y2J rumours started and there were definitely Feb and March 2012 dates up there!
  11. I reckon there's going to be two interferences in this. After that absolute pish, I'd not be surprised if it was WWE mocking us - and we'll not see Y2J again tonight. I reckon Taker is still going to make a return and Brodus Clay will debut/redebut.
  12. Totally. It's all a bit too quiet in there. He's not going to be back for long because Fozzy Rock are touring again soon. Possibly the worst series of promo's and biggest anti-climax ever.
  13. Not when it's American Badass that's back tonight! Edit to add: Please please please WWE have him back as American Badass!
  14. Are you scared?... "He is here" It all becomes clear!
  15. It's really not Jericho. Like properly, really not Jericho. It can't be and doesn't make sense. Anyone else see the Taker sign in the crowd when R-Truth was doing his little Jimmy thing?
  16. The guy who, even when standing still, can't stay still? He's a fantastic heel character from what I gather.
  17. It's possible that this is a massive swerve but the dark match for Skip Sheffield and his tweet pretty much points the promo's in his direction. I'd really, really, really love it to be 'Taker back as American Badass though. Also I think Jericho will make a return but I think it'll be at Rumble, in the rumble.
  18. That backstage scuffle between Barratt and Orton was awesome! RKO on top of a car, showing no respect by tipping a bin on top of Barrett. It's everything WWE has been missing for a long time now. Edit to add: Ok, Bryan was entertaining there. If he can keep that up, I'll take back everything I said about him. Still doesn't really make sense where this sudden ability and power has come from though.
  19. Why would Cena be in the rumble? He's all ready main eventing WM28.
  20. Rumble's all ready booked I think. 30 man rumble and Cena vs Kane.
  21. Ah but Chris Benoit was entertaining. There be the difference. I've watched a few of the "Bryan Danielson Top Moments" videos on YouTube and I do now see potential. Why the WWE have not brought any of the kerbstomping, or his better moves from ROH is a mystery. The way things stand right now though, Bryan in WWE is far from entertaining. Unless he turns heel and cheats an awful lot, his reign has to end pretty soon. Show looked like he was trying to keep his cool while teetering on the edge of breaking point and Henry will be due a rematch too.
  22. Oh I see. Is he not renowned for applying submission holds then? I haven't seen any ROH stuff. I'm going by what I've seen of him in the WWE, none of which has been entertaining. I'm not questioning his wrestling ability at all. I'm questioning his ability to entertain. As for that last part of your post, about me being in some brigade, dummy spitting and what not... Nonsense. I've given loads of opinions on this site in the past on loads of varying topics. Some of my opinions will be agreed with and some not, I'm really not fussed. My main point of this discussion is that Bryan is a shit WHC, because so far he's offered nothing but filler time on WWE.
  23. Right, so because I don't find him entertaining in the slightest... I'm wrong and don't have a point? Wow. You actually just said that.
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