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Cowden Blue

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Posts posted by Cowden Blue

  1. The live show is on the 19th Feb, thats when we find out whodunnit.

    Tonight, Jack finds a piece of evidence that points to the killer, but we all know that either a) it will be a red herring, or b)we won't find out what it is til the 19th.

    Also, apparently the Beeb have dismissed the fact that Carrot tops himself on the live show. They haven't said he doesn't die, it's just not a suicide.

    Does anyone else think that wee minx Becca is up to no good? Shes one to watch, I tells ya.

  2. She's tidy in a horsey sort of way, her face is long as feck

    We would get on well. Her a horse, me a stallion... ok, maybe not but I can dream!

    Btw, when is the "body under the tree" going to be discovered?

  3. 2012

    Quite a good disaster, end of the earth film, based on the Mayan belief that the world will end on 21/12/12. Starts slowly, but kicks off after 30 minutes and gets going. The special effects are just stunning, with a good portion of this film using SFX as the world crumbles. The scenes where they are in the plane flying past cities that are collapsing are great. The storyline is as thin as a Rizla, and you know how it will end before the start, but that's not why you watch these types of films. As said, the sfx saves any flaws. The only draw-back for me is the length, 2hrs 30 minutes is a bit long for any film in my book.


  4. If I had a laddie as bent as Ben(t)-shot, I'd drink to forget as well.

    What a pansy of a boy, not fit to wear the Mitchell name I tells thee!

    I know they are going for a Billy Elliot-style angle, but you can't imagine some hard East end family having a son like him.

  5. Thats a bit posh compared to the usual funeral - a couple of hymns and away to the social club for a piss up!

    Dannys entrance must be the most un-dramatic in soap history - "I think you just burried mine too" Duff duff duffduffduff.

  6. I'm so sick of hearing Ronnie say shit like "I was abandonded to have a baby at 14" - get over it you slag. Should have kept your fucking legs shut.

    Yep. She must say it at least twice in every scene she does.

    Is it just me or is Ronnie really starting to look as if she is slightly deranged? Each to their own, but someone needs to have a word with Jack and tell him what a bunny boiler he is chasing.

    As for Peggy, she was there at the will reading, wasn't she? Surely she must realise that the pub isn't hers any more.

  7. shirley looks filthy as feck, a right dirty ride.

    Top 5 -

    1. Amira (no question, no arguing, if you diss her I will hunt you down)

    2. Roxy (funky, kinda dirty, and £3m in the bank)

    3. Lucy (only if she wears her school tie)

    4. Stacey (she looks the type to take it up the council)

    5. Shirley (looks like nothing you asked her to do would faze her, been there done that etc)

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