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Posts posted by jojo

  1. Pans labyrith a spanish film. A fairy tale set in 1946 after the spanish civil war.

    la haine a french film. A grim story of three folk from a hard estate in paris following a riot started by one of their friends gets beaten nearly to death by the police

    Two absolutely tremendous films, they both leave you stunned and i would highly reccomend them to you. Id give them both 9.5/10.

  2. Under milk wood.

    First welsh film ive seen. It was alright, but for the first 30 mins i literally had no idea what the f**k it was all about.

    Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.

    For some reason this film just does it for me. It's one of my favourite films. It's just perfect in my view. maybe it's partly because i see some of the joel barish charachter in myself.

    Jim carrey is a pure ledge. Im not sure hes the most intelligent but this and truman show are two of my fav films.

  3. Lives of other. 8/10

    A cracker of a movie and also offered a facinating insight into communist europe. Was a terrible place. Im not sure what cuba is like for the average person but i dont think its that good reall. Not being allowed to do anything rebellious and the people have not power at all. still id rather live there than say brazil, where people are living in squalor.

    From my view, communism has failed for mostly everyones account. Capitalism has worked well for some but been terrible and failed immensly for other groups. I think whats needed is for a change in power structure and de-centralisation, so everyone has equal power and influence. Anarchy has only had one go in recent history and from all acounts been a roaring succes in most aspects of peoples lives. Yet it's only had one spell of 4 years? It is the only theorie which offers real democracy, freedomand equality. And the only theorie which is actuall not idealogical because, for me anyway, that is as far as anarchy goes. Get rid all cenralised power and let everyone take control and have equal influence. I mean i personally would get rid of money and if i had my own way.... you know what i mean. But i dont mind really as long as the decision is based on general consencus and everyones opinion is equally listened to, not just the 'elites.'

  4. Just watched Neds.

    I very rarely watch any films, I've not been to the cinema for years, I don't buy DVDs and I rarely even watch them on TV. This makes my love of film review shows even more bizarre but after seeing that guy off film 2011 saying Neds was the best film of the year I had a gander on amazon

    and at £4 next day delivery it couldn't be sniffed at.

    Got it a few days ago and finally got round to watching it today and it is a brilliant film. Pretty disappointed I never went to the try outs as I would have been the perfect age and have a gratuitously strong Glaswegian accent. Oh well, I'd have probably ruined it. It is a fascinating film though, it really evolves over time as the central character is gradually eroded - fantastic acting performance by some randomer. It does really highlight the perils of taking up this lifestyle though the most poignant moment for me being :

    When the camera pans to the guy in the remedial class who has clearly become mentally disabled from the severity of the attack.

    A great film, I'd thoroughly recommend watching it. I understand most of the accents but I usually have subtitles on because I like to hear things that probably don't matter, must be a nightmare for most people though.

    Oh and I also saw the Thin Blue Line a few days ago - the documentary not the TV series. Again, absorbing stuff although I had seen it highlighted on Currents 50 documentaries to see before you die. It was only short segment but it went into detail about the reconstruction and whether or not the female police officer was in the car - the actual film was nothing like that at all!

    Not only is it an entertaining and bias free documentary - it tells the story in a very simple way from a lot of angles - it also got an innocent man out of prison. And the guilty man was an incredibly inoffensive and articulate, eh, multiple murderer on death row.

    Watched it a couple of days ago. Superb movie. Im waiting for ken loach to shoot his next film in dundee where i will suddenly become master actor! It was quite frightening but really believable, apart from thebit where he walks up to the other gange with his two knive and just stabs a randomer. I didnt get that bit? But great film anyway.

  5. A false start in africa - great book. It was written 40 years ago and I find it quite astonishing that despite knowing the reasons for the situation in africa, things are only getting worse for the people at the bottom. As the book stated, africa could be fully developed in 20 years but 40 years on, the lives of most people have either got worse, stayed the same or imroved very little. And a lot of the blame lies on our shoulders unfortunately.

    Also reading a book about the isreal and palastine war - After reading it , i struggle to understand how so many people, especially jews agree with the isreali state.

  6. Leaving climate change aside as jojo asked, the whole resource scarcity argument is nonsence. You can perhaps make a separate case for the way in which resources are directed and managed, but to say that the world's current population is unsustainable is shite.

    Future predictions of population doom are also very dubious, being mostly based on incorrect assumptions that current demographic trends will continue indefinitely, and there will be no advances in science of technology.

    People have been saying for centuries that we are at a 'tipping point', but funnily enough scientific and technological advances mean we keep on missing it.

    Global warming is a separate issue, particularly after shale gas and oil advances have made the resource scarcity factor of the argument redundant.

    watch the programme you might change your mind if you knew anything about it. I don't claim to be an expert not at all, but the facts are the population is estimated to rise to 9 billion by as early as 2030. 1.2 billion people day to day struggle to get enough water. We're going to have to cut down forests to grow more crop, further worsening climate change. So many species are under threat of extinction it's scary. There simply isn't enough resources to fund our excessive lifestyle with so many people on earth, if we actuall shared world resources around fairly, but we dont. We're abusing mother earth to much and if we continue we will pay. If we dont do anything about it we'll be forced to live in a much worse world than currently.

  7. Some the stuff said on here is beyond belief. On guy actuall takes monktons words as credable. :rolleyes: I think some people need to get out in the country side and experience wildlife as it seems many have never even seen anything other than fields. An awareness and apreciation of nature is vital to all beings. Ignore global warming at your peril.

    Its a simple common sense thing here. There is not enough resources for everyone to live quite comfortably if we keep reproducing so fast, we're are wasting so much resources and we are polluting the world. We cant only think of ourselves here. I think it's our morall oblegation to preserve the earth for everyone and anything lucky enough to experience it as it is an amazing and exceptional place.

    The scientific opinion is too unanamous on this one and anyway what harm will it do to preserve the earth and not think of money all the time. The technology would be there to create enegy completely cleanly if we spent the money on it instead of fucking nuclear bombs.

    It's time to change thing. We can't just accept and fit into line with this world of misery, conflict and hatred. Be a revolutionary and reject this rotten society. Choose instead one of love peace and happiness which lives in unison with nature, and where decision are made based on scientific opinion not on monetary gain. This is not unrealistic if each person changes themselves and actually loves instead of hates all the time. I dont know why people reject the concept of global warming and some even seem to have a lack of apreciation and even fear of nature.

    What a failure and missed oppertunity is would be if everyone was driven to misery because of the greed and irrationality of 1% of the population and we just let them.

  8. did anyone watch david attenbourgh how many people can live on earth.


    Basically, the earth is already using more resourses than we have. You can't close your eyes to this, all the leading scietists agree, it's common sense not to use abuse the earths resources until we're all hungry. 1.2 billion struggle to get enough water every day. The most frustrating thing is that the technology and scientific knowledge is there to make the world more sustainable but the greed of the powerful who rule the world wont listen.

    This is not about climate change but it is a factor of the problem, and i coudnt be bothered starting a new topic. This is a serious matter, we're at a decision point, manage the earths resources sustainably and for every human on the planet or ignore all warnings and see what happens. We have to change our lifestyle as it's excesive and unsustainable.

    When will governments start looking beyond the next election.

  9. Sorry, I wasn't being quite serious. The anarchists , socialists, international brigade and assorted left wingers got fucked over by the Stalinists during the Spanish Civil War, who in turn got defeated by the fascists.

    Look out for Land And Freedom by Ken Loach.


    Ps are you mixing anarchism with communism?

    i realised.

    so your argument against anarchism is that they got beat by the facsists in the spanish civil war. You should fight for what you think is right, or more, against what is certainly wrong.

    And no im not mixing anarchism with communism. What happened in spain varied in different places between libertarian communsim and anarchism i think.

  10. How did that work out for them?

    Well it worked very well indeed. The standard of living rose and there was no unemployment. One man said even the rate of production almost doubled with no superior power. Free, proper education for all was applied. In some parts they even abolished money, yet there was not one case of selfishness. Basically every aspect of there life improved. There was brotherhood, solidarity. Everyone they interviewed from the time said it was tremendous all agreeing it is the only way humans can live freely and fairly where everyone is valued the same.

    Unfortunatly, as there was a civil war going on, they eventually had to take up arms against the fascists. Sadly, due to costly errors and the disgraceful tactics of some of the oppisition, the government was reinstated and everything went back to 'normal.' Everyone was very sad about this.

    Still, the 4 years they spent in anarchy proves to everyone that anarchy can work. No police men, no laws, no priests, no class divisions. Just brotherhood, freedom, freedom of the mind, real democracy and community spirit to create there own destiny.

    Or, as i should have said, watch it youself and find out. :P

  11. Just watched an immense film. One of the best ive seen. Truly inspiring

    It's called living utopia. It's about the spanish revolution and how anarchists took advantage of this to create a much better society. It interviews people who actuall lived through it and they all say it was great. You can download it here for free .


    Click on the download which says via anarchism.org 10/10

  12. i just finnished the wanderer byt knut hamsun. fantastic story, i would thouroughly recommend it . It about the guy who goes about the norwegian countryside looking for work here and there, but theres other side storys and other

    Knut hamsun seems an interesting charachter. It says on wikipedia he had anarchist leanings as a young man but supported germany and the nazis in the first and second world war, as he was very against the british, was there during the second boar war. He also believed mans only fulfillment was in the soil.

    8/10. now on to the sirens of titan by kurt vonegut. I might kind of read the communist manifesto at the same time though.;)

  13. I think Jojo should have to serve a permanent ban for this.

    I've got Jojo on ignore so have no idea what was posted, however, I feel a permanent ban is completely justified. 8)

    It wasnt even me. Someone hijacked my acount while i was away. :angry:

    why do you have me on ignore anyway. The points i make are genuine.:( Can you just not bear to listen to someone with different views to you. :o

  14. you no what, ive thought about it and ive come to the conclusion that the climate is changing and for the worse. the whole summer has been like a fucking rainy season.

    I think it's time we stop kidding a ourselves, we need to protect our home and if that means changing our lifesyle then it must be done. Even if it isnt us causing the speedy increase in temperature over the last 50 years we might as well cut down our carbon emmisions and not take the chance. Any reasonable person would agree.

  15. Considering you were surprised that a 20 questions type thing got Bill Hicks, I'm not sure your best placed to just people's intelligence.

    being mildly surprised about something i thought would be a load of shite means im stupid.

    Bird brain!!!:P

  16. twitter is the biggest load of shite in the world.

    Whoever uses twitter and tweets a lot about shit has the brain of a bird, and not a very bright bird at that. That's all im going to say. <_<

  17. was at a family reunion shite yesterday cellebrating someones 50 anniversary. What a load of pish it was. i Was required to talk to boring family members who i have only seen like twice before about almost exactly the same thing for about 5 hours ( i left half way through). I simply don't give a f**k about their lives and thye probably dont care about mine so why do i have to force myself to talk to them just because they happen to be family.

    On the plus side the food was good.

  18. was on a healthy holiday in london for 4 days visiting meh gran and aunt. I noticed that the average londen women was much more sexually attractive than the average dundee women. and it wasnt rare to see a beauty. Though, it was really hot, and clothes were not worn as much and there was a lot of tourists.And we are talking about dundee. <_<

  19. it's been another epic tour. I've thoughtouly enjoyed it. special mention for voeckler and my hero of the tour was hoogerland. absolute hero.

    It's a shame about wiggins when you look back because he probably would have condende, and defo would be in top 8 or 7. ah well

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