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Posts posted by Zing.

  1. As we were walking out the door my wee hibs mate shouted.. Oi you ya big useless c**t , have you any idea how much that hurt today.. It was pretty funny, Osborne just kinda looked at his feet and said nothing

    That pleases me. Watching Osbourne attempt to play football is painful viewing and "big useless c**t" is a fitting description.

  2. The hibs team had a look of "why bother" about them from the kick off. Not one of them cared, not one of them was first to the ball or flew into a tackle with the passion or desire needed to win a derby and a cup final! They all simply did not look like they wanted to be on that pitch to win that match, they looked defeated from the outset. Osbourne was non existant, Claros is far from pitbull, Soares does more unseen work that Brian Kerr whilst the likes of O'Connor/Griffiths claim to be hibs fans but not once have they shown the desire to actually turn up and play against Hearts this season. The only exception was Mcpake who was flying into blocks/tackles but was let down by everyone around him. I'm sorry but that performance dosent merit the supporters staying behind to be humiliated for a further forty minutes by their biggest rivals in the most important and biggest match of previous years and most likely many years to come.

  3. Still feel pretty much the same as earlier. I couldn't have sat through the rest of the game and don't feel bad about 'abandoning' the team as they pretty much abandoned 22,000 hibees today, can't complain about the result obviously and grudgingly wish the jambos a good night. I'll judge Fenlon on his performance next season as I feel the players completely left him out to dry today and he has completed his objective of spl safety. Roll on next season.....

  4. Definitely agree about kujabi. The few times that Dunfermline got in behind us on monday were in the first half on his side due to him being miles out of position and this has been the case for most of the games he's played. I'd play Francomb instead.

  5. There isnt any doubting that we'll be going in as the underdogs, but im hoping that the players will believe in themselves and actually stand up to hearts instead of hiding away and not facing up to the challenge. We have some capable players but if the whole team dosent turn up I fear a pumping. The biggest and most important derby match in history. Bring it on!

  6. Won £217 from a £1.50 lucky 15 on the horses at fairyhouse this evening (3 out of 4 won). I dont have the slightest clue about how to chose a horse so all were picked based on the name or colour of the jacket. Oscar Gale, Oscar Delta and Mister Farmer :wub: Nice surprise to find when I logged into my account earlier!

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