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Kris Boyd

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Everything posted by Kris Boyd

  1. iMPACT on soon, I've been looking forward to seeing what Dixie "El Grande Milf" Carter has to say on her "extreme invitation" I hope this isn't a one night stand kinda thing, they should run with having a more hardcore TNA with more creative control to the wrestlers, also they should be looking to sign Paul E. I'm not wanting a new ECW in that respect, but I would like it if we had more of an Attitude feel, the way TNA is going is like WCW meets ECW, which may not turn out to be such a bad thing, I'd feel so much better if Bischoff were far far away from TNA though.
  2. Hey! Do you like Eastenders? Do you like Drinking? Then you'll go wild for..... THE PATRICK TRUEMAN DRINKING GAME! Every time Patrick says "N'Man" take a shot. Every time Patrick has a dance, take a shot Every time Patrick drinks a glass of whiskey, do the same. Every time Patrick takes money out of his hat like a wallet, Take 3 shots. Become a True Man, with the Patrick Trueman drinking game, available from JML.
  3. maybe not straight to that, surely a bit of bronco buster foreplay
  4. yeah but you are an aberdeen fan, theres nothing to be proud of bashing wrastlin' and then going off and giving a sheep a few suplex combos you sick fiend! Mark McGhee jobs worse than Mark McHenry!
  5. top 5 wrestling games that I've owned (starting with the best) 1. ECW Hardcore Revolution, first Wrestling game I ever owned, got it in '99 for the N64, I spent most of the time playing the career mode over and over with Mike Awesome and Spike Dudley, Loved that game, even though it was graphically pish and had the combo button move thingy, I loved it, awesome. 2. WWF No Mercy, For the N64. Brilliant game graphics were exellent for a wrestling game at that time (shoulders looked dodgey though) a Great CAW mode and move sets, I used to play it for hours with my best pal at the time, both about 15 and wrestling mental, loved the special Royal Rumble feature that had every wrestler come in 4 times as each wrestler had 3 or 4 different outfits, about a 100 man rumble. 3. WWF Smackdown (the Original) on Playstation. 1999, used to play this like crazy the Smackdown video game series was mental but slowly got worse each year imo, although in the original the graphics were suspect and it had strange background music during matches, I loved it, also loved the entrance just being the superstar walking infront of the video. 4. ECW Anarchy Rulz, for the Dreamcast (yes I know) in 2001. The next evolution of the ECW game, was strange to see Paul Heymans finisher was the Kathahajamai (AKA Tazmission) was good to see previously missing stars in this one like Dusty Rhodes and Masato Tanaka, I didn't play this as often as Hardcore Revolution, I used t play as the King of Old School Steve Corino and The Big F'N Deal Rhino most. 5. Really Hard Decision this as the top 4 are well ahead of everything else imo, but I would go for WWF Attitude (simillar to Hardcore Revolution in terms of graphics and controls) it was a good game and I loved the superstars that the roster had at that time, nice varied Attitude stars all different characters, mostly I played with Al Snow and Stone Cold. Smackdown series now Raw vs Smackdown is the same every year now, to the point where I honestly can't find any difference other than roster update, I would rather play 1998 WWF Warzone than the new Raw vs Smackdown. Never ever played a WCW or TNA game so I can't comment on either of those, but I still think that if I had my top 5 would still be the same, I can't see my number 1 choice ever changing based on such a great game and nostalgic feeling I get from it.
  6. I would! I would make her call me archie though and get roxi to video it........ to far
  7. same with when he put Sandmans wife in the hospital, he was super heel at that time, his entrance music Debonair by Dope was pretty fucking awesome too, I remember that was the intro music for the ECW Anarchy Rulz video game too, nostalgia meter is off the scale
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDJYFUBFOBc Best promo ever, "I'm gonna rip of your face and put it down your throat, you're gonna SHIT YOUR OWN FACE OUT SITTING ON THE TOILET!!!!"
  9. which makes me wonder if we might see LSD pop up and join in the d'von vs bubba thing thats happening between them with the jesse neal trouble, a dudley 3 way dance would be great (tables match ofcourse!)
  10. it would be crazy to split up a tag team as good as that, 3D is my favourite double team move (sorry "the Dudley death drop") I know a lot of old school guys here still like doomsday device
  11. Tajiri, Whipwreck, Super Crazy and Guido all had some cracking combonations of 3 and 4 way dances, Nova and Chetti were a great tag team too, The dudleys were the best as they have stood the test of time, often tag teams after some success go it solo and if they are good one of them go onto the world titles, (edge and christian and the hardy boys being good examples) yet the Dudleys have always stuck together and focused on tag team domination (apart from the draft lotto of 2002)
  12. corrie is utter gash right now, biggest storyline is audries suprise birthday party they do have teenage lesbians though.... Eastenders is just far better, even watching it the picture quality looks much better than corrie and to be fair corrie just doesn't have the same quality of murders of incest storylines.
  13. yeah I was just going by stables but there is a shitload of great tag teams as well, the brief stable of Sid Vicious, Mike Awesome and Judge Jeff Jones was a real power team too. I dunno why but I really loved the F.B.I. Big Sal was a fucking monster! For a company that was miles behind in terms of money and popularity and just about everything else to WWF and WCW, ECW had some exellent wrestlers, just watching Nova, I don't think I've seen a technically better more inivative wrestler, Taz has beyond doubt the best suplexes I've ever seen and such a variety too, Sandman has the best Entrance Ever, Dudleys imo the best tag team ever, f**k I love this company right the way from the brick wall entrance way to the light blue ring apron with the name of the PPV on it.
  14. true and yeah I do like TNA better for that reason too, as TNA have either Amazing matches and PPVs or Absolutly fucking terrible botch filled comedy, either way it's entertaining to watch or laugh about! We all know wrestling is fake but wwe just seems to be too over produced or something, maybe it's just because I've watched it so long and I know what to expect next but there is something about it that I can't put my finger on, or maybe it's just cena playing mind tricks. unrelated rant: after nearly a decade, that "WHAT?" chant thing is really REALLY annoying.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vswZ73WETpc The Reason I like TNA better than wwe, not becuase it's a better run show or because of ratings, but because of the fact that I want a company to run without the McMahons eating it up, like he has done to so many companies in the past. people should want TNA to do well, the only person that benefits from competition is us, the fans. there is no wonder why wrestling between 2002-2010 sucked, because wwe didn't need to try, they were the only thing around.
  16. Cyrus the virus was a heel character who was created to act as a pro-TNN / Anti-ECW kinda guy and was part of "The Network" stable and would always go on about how ECW was too violent for "the network" a metaphor for the actual network itself. Steve Corino, Jack Victory and Rhino made up the other members of the Network, all heels, Cyrus would often commentate with Styles and say to him "if you don't watch out I'll dress you up in a cowboy hat and have you calling Raw" TNN did nothing good for ECW and to say they helped them out or really got behind them is totally false.
  17. http://www.dailymoti...1998-part_sport Been watching some ECW PPVs from 98 today, amazing stuff, they just don't make wrestling this awesome anymore I forget how many great stables there were in ECW, Triple Threat, F.B.I., The Dudley Boys, Impact Players, The Network, Dangerous Alliance and Da Baldies to name but a few. Styles almost never makes a mistake whilst commentating and doesn't need any cheesey striker/cole-esque lines, I hope Joey comes to TNA
  18. lots happening on incest square, Ronnie getting it from her dad, reminds me of when Kat Slater told big charlie that his brother used to give her some as well! Hard to belive that roxi and peggy don't belive ronnie, why would she lie about that? makes no sense she has nothing t gain from it...
  19. never saw this coming! Bret Hart back and ready to fail in the ring again, I hope Jericho goes face again, to me I think it's obvious he is the natural replacement for Ric Flair
  20. yep cena will join and then turn on them tonight or at summerslam BRRRRRRRAP YABADOOOO... DA DEE DA DAAAA it's the franchise, your time is up my time is now
  21. I hope that guy is making ben bite the pillow, that nice wee shaved head will go down easy in a place like that. shame he doesn't have his special weapon of a hot spoon!
  22. yeah I can't remember which one now but either taker or austin (I think austin) got smacked up pretty bad in the first minute and had to go most of the match all spaghetti legged, also they botched the stunner at the end and it looked more like a wierd neckbreaker. Rock vs Triple H had an awesome match, best one of the PPV, but the best thing of that summer slam was seeing finkle shaving jarrets head
  23. f**k you ron killings! why are they showing highlights from summerslam 98's main event, it was terrible!
  24. as they said sheamus you are going to have to go 1 on 1 with this man.... *long pause*... I was just expecting Triple H's music to hit, then bourne came out to shite all over the night, I could beat him in my sleep even with a broken leg
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