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Everything posted by parsforlife

  1. Good news. Now is anybody going to explain the difference between interim admin and full admin? Are they basically the same or does the administrator need to wait till the 11th to get more powers?
  2. Almost certain, we will not let those tarrier b*****ds take us down. It's a conspiracy.
  3. Players and staff are meant to be given an update today, think they'll be some form of update on the official site some point today/tomorrow after they've been told(unless our shy chairman is forced into talking by those nasty journalists and the staff find out in the papers) but I think leishman said on talksport that he hopes to update on Sunday maybe wrong tho.
  4. It's not, we get to become arrogant, bitter paranoid bigots , oh and we can play a reserve team in the leagues so you don't miss us when we leave to conquer england . It's what every football fan wants.
  5. Purvis is meant to be taking forward the negotiated TPC plan that fell apart last week before they reverted to there original plan but with himself and other business men holding 50% instead of the business guys from the TPC and the fans having the other 50%. I can understand why people are more willing to back him than the guys fronting the TPC, it seems that they are letting there personal differences with gm get in the way, there looks to me like some are willing for liquidation to happen as long as they get to implement there plan and masterton doesn't benefit. Purvis seems to be willing to work with masterton to a degree, he's willing to sweeten the deal for masterton in order to save the club, I don't like it , he probably doesn't either but its worth it to continue as DAFC and not some newco.
  6. It's not only half the debt, your doing your sums wrong, it's 80 % of the debt due by the club/stadium, but the bank are apparently meant to be willing to allow a commercial lease ( I've heard 100k pa but no idea of accuracy) as they know the 12m was dodgy as f**k between Cummings and masterton, they figure getting money in now is better than crossing there fingers and hoping that somebody will pay them in 30 years. Its not the reason we're fucked.
  7. Yea thats the sort of figures been branded about for the holding company of mastertons companies, including dafc and EEP , which is why it's so important to get the club out before it collapses, also allegations that money has been moved around the group depending on who's due money when .
  8. It isn't really 21m around 6 of the money due to directors Is owed to the stadium company, so really it's 15m ish, 12m of which the bank are willing to let us pay over long term via a lease(the agreement as it stands means we're not due them a penny for 25ish years) and that's only if we continue to play at east end. Of the remaining 3m 2m is due to (ex) directors who aren't going to worry too much about it being replayed. Most of the trade debt isn't seen as too unreadable for a club of our size, so it appears to be about 1/2m that's causing the current issues. Still money we don't have but we have hope of trading out of the rest of it, we need that money payed up ASAP or no more DAFC. Today's announcement suggest that they 250,000 that was meant to be out up by the TPC guys has been offered from other sources(purvis, steven Taylor maybe as well as braisby and other pars fars not involved in the TPC, maybe even some members of the TPC who don't agree with stopping would be my guess) . That would leave the fans a few months to try and raise 250000 . I'm more hopefull than I was yesterday certainly.
  9. In regards to the TPC the tweet that really annoyed me was by Paul Goodwin "take your punishment and come back as a community club" followed by "no Scottish club has died since 1967" just because Gretna, Clydebank, airdrie and rangers etc created phoenix clubs doesn't mean the original version didn't die, the priority here isn't for a community club, it's to save the club in its current guise, community ownership is probably the best way of doing it long term but I'd much rather somebody saved the club and ran it without fan involvement than have a community owned phoenix .
  10. I think the TPC need to clarify a few things, why did they change there mind on an apparently agreed deal? Did the club actually have a erscow( I have no idea how to spell that properly) account set up or was it "I just need your sort code and bank account details" type of thing ? Without clarification it seems they've played the last few days badly. Just to clarify I support there vision for running the club 100% even if I disagree with how they'll run the stadium , also they are not the reason we're in the shit, and have no responsibility to get us out of it .
  11. This was rumoured but the steering group said last night that the bank had accepted gm selling his shares.
  12. Your probably right in thinking he meant winding up order, doesn't appear to have happened yet but as far a I can guess HMRC have issued a warning letter stating pay up in 7 days or it will happen. This is from a pars alive committee who probably knows more about this kinda thing than me, but it's still guesswork.
  13. I Was also too young in 2004 to care , but since I've taken interest in what's going on off the field, it's been obvious we've been badly managed, though obviously how badly is not been clear until the last few months, but the suggestions of being criminally ( or at least immorally , no doubt masterton will be treading the line to keep just inside the law) run are coming out. why we are here is clear. How we get out of this mess is a different matter, we need to get rid of masterton and his web of companies, unfortunately he needs to write off debt and probably watch CH collapse with all the problems that would cause him personally in order for anything approaching a long term future is possible.
  14. Last night turned into a shambles due to a minority of people who seamed very ignorant , previously that could have been excused be information being hard to find for those that don't use the net but I fail to see how someone could know about the meeting but not know what it was about or what was going to happen. On the share issue I may invest (lol) but that's certainly a heart over head decision and one I won't make until just about the last moment , I dont trust masterton but I like the idea of having my name on a share certificate and able to contribute to the running of the club even in a minority way, I'm intrereted in who the other two interested party's are/ what they have to offer and if the pars community bid can get anywhere with masterton , I didn't believe most of GMs reasons for rejecting their bid and I think he's more open to selling to them than he's suggesting , from what I've heard they're guys who are willing to put rather large sums into the club, NOT into GMs pocket and not willing to work with him day to day.
  15. Its just another excuse trying to explain away the boards inability to estimate reasonable crowd sizes and keep off-field costs down. We've heard several over the years, and a couple added over the last few weeks, the share issue article seems to be a collection of every excuse they could think of, I'm almost surprised they haven't gone down the vlad route of blaming mafia etc, maybe that's to come.
  16. One of the straws I'm holding on to is that they've been shifted off the main board, onto a subsidy company(east end events iirc), i think this is part of the conditions of purvis getting involved.
  17. Haven't seen the pm, (would be helpful I'm someone could forward me it, cheers) but its pretty clear the club in the shit even if we just follow the facts and not the rumours that come with them. We know that club are due HMRC a lot of cash, we can't pay our players and we've got long term debt owed to a poorly performing group of companies. The club need to come out and tell us what is and isn't true and the plans to solve the problems and I'd like to hear the mastertones exit plan, 10 years + they've made the same mistakes over and over they can't be allowed to continue if we survive the current crisis. Bob purvis seems to have got a lot of consessions from them so possibly with the help of the PST he maybe able to take the club on. On the thoughts of starting up a new club, I dont think this is a path we should be looking to take this path unless all else fails, we should atm focus on making sure the current club survives.
  18. Thompson returns Our taxi fighting, ferret hunter has returned to training Hopefully he has learned to grow up a bit, will probably struggle to regain his place with Geggan deciding he's actually quite good in midfield and husband getting used to playing games above 2mph, also Byrne seems to be impressing in the u20s.
  19. I think somebody should tell Jeffries that we have one right back, one left back and one centre back signed up. That's it . Everything else is just midfielders and coaches filling in. Kinda leaves us abit short . No idea why we've signed so many midfielders when this hasn't been sorted yet. Let's hope we can score 4 each week because we're going to have to.
  20. Jordan officially signed but d'angelo hasn't yet Pleased to have Jordan signed he looked good pre-season , need a centre half or two and maybe a back up striker. If we Murray and dargo and and another centre back and d'angelo if I am being greedy then we should be quite well set up for a new season, doubt we'll get that though.
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