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Everything posted by lanky_ffc

  1. 1-1 HT Winters scored for us but it was canceled out a minute later.
  2. Interested to see him as there were some positive comments about his performance against Alloa. A decent striker can make all the difference in this league.
  3. Anyone going to the two games up north? My folks stay up that way and I'm heading up for the weekend. Hoping to catch both games but Peterhead is quite an awkward place to get to. Also, any idea of what our team might look like on Friday and Saturday? The report for the Dundee Utd game says we only had two subs.
  4. Blind faith? I haven't been able to make that many games over the past few seasons so being able to go along on a more regular basis is something I'm looking forward to. The football on show might not be great but I'll be happy just being there and having something good to do on a Saturday besides studying.
  5. A nice £10,000 for collecting bottle tops... Link
  6. I remember hearing he jumped cause he didn't want to get caught with drugs on him.
  7. I was on the Companies House site the other day and never even thought to look up Falkirk. Also, just popped out the office at lunch and saw man in a navy suit and brown shoes. Only thing missing was the scarf!
  8. From that article, "I look forward to seeing Steven off-load the SPL-waged players and really giving it a go next season. Actually, I think we can still make it into the SPL THIS season! I am backing you through thick and thin. Good luck and thanks for all the hard work!!!" Surely that's tongue in cheek??
  9. Did anyone catch that woman called Dawn on Jim Traynor on Saturday? She was claiming that Pressley was doing a brilliant job and that he would one day be the Scotland manager
  10. Morton had cheerleaders on Tuesday night so I don't think it's problem that's unique to us. I miss the old 10 second challenge! Could never decide which was more amusing, the young kids or the older guys from the pub teams.
  11. They lost at QoS earlier in the season and are pretty inconsistent away from home so fingers crossed. A loss for them coupled with a win for us would leave us needing a win away to Morton on Tuesday to pull level. Massive incentive.
  12. It's pretty clear that Dundee are going to have a big say in where the title goes and for that reason I'm glad we only have to play them once more.
  13. I was there that day and this is the first time I've seen it since. Probably the best goal I've seen live.
  14. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/f/falkirk/fixtures/default.stm Some serious fixture congestion in March. 8 games in total!
  15. The Scottish cup had completely slipped my mind. Shows what happens when your team falls at the first hurdle! Given that Ross County went out the cup on the same night, were we maybe a little slow to recognise this was a weekend we could use to play Cowden? My worry is that the fixtures will start to come thick and fast. And after last weeks win it would have been good to have something to build on instead of a break.
  16. We have postponed games against Partick, Dunfermline and Morton and none of them are playing this weekend. Is there any reason why we couldn't have arranged to play one of them?
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