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Posts posted by Jeek

  1. Although down in bristol, whenever i'm home i go to the edin games, and love it, the new standing bit is fantastic, I also at the munster game, and was at the goals when edin scored most of the tries. just wish more people went to the games, very much looking forward to the London Irish game in reading which is reasonably close to here!

  2. Anyone going to Scotland Vs Italy on Saturday? if you havent been to a game before, here's a perfect chance, good chance of a scotland win and £10 to get in!!! <BR><BR>Edited as my grammar was pish

  3. Never seen it. I like to avoid Robin Williams' films as much as possible, he just has a face I want to punch repeatedly!

    I have avoided Dead Poets Society, Toys, The Birdcage, Deconstructing Harry and Good Will Hunting mainly because of his involvement. These films may or may not be good, but they are probably his best known films that I haven't seen.

    I saw Bicentennial Man, I am still irritated by that. dry.gif

    Dude, u gotta watch patch adams!

  4. Good Will Hunting 10/10

    I'll probably get laughed at for only just seeing this film as it is a bona fide classic. Simple story, Demented genius meets similar who helps him to get on the straight and narrow. Matt Damon and Robin Williams are both brilliant in it and cant reccomend it highly enough.

    Am i the last person in the world to see it :unsure:

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