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Posts posted by stevoraith

  1. 5 minutes ago, baillieinleeds said:

    What’s the update on Vaughan’s injury. How we need him now

    There's zero chance of Vaughan being back this season.

    Last update I heard was on the lower league ramblings podcast and he was thinking that he might be back August-ish, so probably miss pre-season and maybe a couple of games at the start of next season.

  2. No Scary, we were in the North stand and East stand. Filled the North and 3/4 filled the East. Airdrie were behind the goals the penalties were shooting into 

    This sounds right.

    I knew that as you viewed it from the TV we were behind the goal to the left, penalties were taken to the right.

    Just didn’t know if the TV cameras were in the main stand or east stand.
  3. "kind of trusting that the people in charge know what they're doing" is an outdated view though. Fan involvement is hugely increasing across all clubs precisely because fans feel those in charge don't know what they're doing. Fans of all clubs should be on the ball with this stuff nowadays, enough clubs have been heavily mismanaged now that simply trusting whatever businessman is in charge to run things properly is irresponsible IMO.

    Yes it’s outdated now, but we’re talking about 10-15 years ago....... the reason it’s outdated now, and the reason the fan involvement you talk about is happening is precisely because of the events of 10-15 years ago.
  4. You’re right Enigma, but that is the fault of the people running Dunfermline at that point and of the people running Scottish football.


    In all honesty I’m sure Raith fans would have behaved exactly the same as Dunfermline fans did in the circumstances- deep down you know it’s probably not sustainable but you kind of trust that the people running the club must surely know what they’re doing and you get on with enjoying the success on the pitch.




  5. Steady on.

    I just checked back and there were only 2750 at the last game at Starks.
    Really surprised at that to be honest.
    To be fair Falkirk didn’t bring as many as they normally would that time as it was in the middle of the Ray McKinnon boycott but I thought the crowd was bigger.

    I’d still expect that if the game had been on a Saturday it would have been a significantly bigger crowd than the last game, but on the Tuesday I don’t think we’ll break 3k.

  6. Since the section has been a thing 3 flares have been set off out of how many games? It’s not a regular occurrence, it’s such a tin pot thing to get angry about you don’t see any other club in Scotland’s whole
    Fan base go into outrage the second a flare is set off apart from us somehow?

    You’re defeating your own argument here.

    If flares are used so seldom, what’s the problem with not using them at all?

    Singing massively helps (creates) the atmosphere - Keep doing it.

    Setting off flares can bring a bit to the atmosphere but is technically illegal and can get the club in trouble- stop using them.

    Breaking shit does nothing for the atmosphere. Stop it.

    It’s not difficult. Unless you’re saying that you can’t create an atmosphere without being destructive?
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