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Jelavic4m man

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  1. Cool you were man enough to apologise to me so i will do the same to you if i offended you by saying you are not a true fan then thats my bad. I dislike name-calling on boards its childish and silly i think we can both agree on that. I like to debate with people without the name calling and have only ever done it in retaliation which is just as bad. But i just hate people telling lies about Rangers it really gets on my wick and i know these guys are fishing but still i find it hard to turn the other cheek. Oh and these guys posting are not the same person for the most part i did think they are but seen a few of them on here at the same time down the bottom of the page it tells you who is in the room. One or two are at it but my guess is that the link to this board has been placed online and they've all jumped on here.
  2. I am not telling the guy to leave just pointing out that if you dislike something to the point where you sit aound and cry about it like a child then this may not be the place for you.
  3. No i don't think i did miss the point you would rather sit on you arse and say nothing while people slag off Rangers. Seems to me like 3 or 4 people on here think they own this boad and can tell others when they can and cant post. I may be a relitive newbie on here but you wont tell me what i can and can't reply to just cause you've been on here longer than me. If you don't like the threads here stop moaning about them and dont come back cause the moaning like a wean about them is even more boing than the threads themselves,
  4. Sorry but if someone comes on and tells lies about my football club i wlll answer them back sitting on your hands saying nothing is hardly going help the situation far from it. Other people may not be as passionate about defending the club as i am and that is up to them but true Rangers fans don't sit back and allow any kind of slander that the Sellik fans want to print to go without challenge. I care too much about Rangers f.c to let that happen.
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