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Francesc Fabregas

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Everything posted by Francesc Fabregas

  1. Why thank you, Andy! I appreciate that! I think it sounds like a cross between Acrobat and Ultraviolet from Achtung Baby.
  2. Ize of the World - The Strokes Its from their new album, and its actually really quite good. Not as good as the first, but a bit better than the second.
  3. Elizabeth, You Were Born To Play That Part - Ryan Adams
  4. No. That award goes to 'You're a Fucking c**t' by Anal c**t. Simple, and to the point.
  5. My band's demo is finished, and I have a copy of the CD coming to me in the post. The guitarist says it sounds 'Unbeliveable - fucking amazing', and the last time he got that excited, Motherwell finished second in the league.
  6. Film? I've got it on my MP3 player just now.
  7. I like Dancefloor, but I heard Fake Tales and thought, This is alright.......... good, but not great................ Everyone bigs them up because they're looking for something to fill the void left by the Livertines, and they're fed up waiting for the next Streets album. That said, I'll buy it when it comes out. Yesterday's News - Whiskeytown
  8. I prefer Pattern Against User and Cosmonaut, but, it is the best metal/punk album of the last ten years. Not one bad song. Has anyone seen the video for Maps? It si actually a bit sad, when she starts crying and all, you feel for her a bit. Anyway: Gang-bang - Black Lace
  9. Next time I see you, I'll let you hear my MP3 player, and you'll be like, Yeah, you are a great band.
  10. Hey, you, Paul, here's my 'playlist' that went out today that no one heard: Wake Up - Arcade Fire Out of Control - U2 Turn Up The Sun - Oasis Gold Digger - Kanye West Time For Heroes - The Libertines So Here We Are - Bloc Party And at half time: A Shot In The Dark - Marlow (my band) Aquiesce - Oasis If I ever get another shot, I know how to work the thing.
  11. How Do You keep Love Alive - Ruan Adams and The Cardinals
  12. I Don't Like Your Face One Bit, Sonny - Brett Smith and the Paedophiles Crazy music by a really crappy band with a crappy name, but this tune is actually quite good and has a bit of emotion.
  13. Star Sign - Teenage Fanclub It's also their best song too, especially the longer version from Bandwagonesque.
  14. Indeed! It's such a shame we never really talk like this at the games, always just a pleasent 'Hello' between us. If I Can't Change Your Mind - Sugar
  15. Cold Roses LP - Ryan Adams and The Cardinals I thought it was OK when I first bought it, but now I think it is da bomb.
  16. Mojo Pin - the late, great Jeff Buckley. Interesting enough I used to work with a guy called Geoff Buckley.
  17. I don't care if you didn't ask for it, you're getting it: RADIOHEAD'S NEW 'SHIT' IS SHIT. Amen and goodnight.
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