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Francesc Fabregas

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Everything posted by Francesc Fabregas

  1. I went there a couple of months ago - the skating was pretty shit, you had these 17 year olds doing jumps and intricate turns to try and impress these wee 13 year old pieces, and my skates didn't fit properly and my ankles hurt and they had taken the mammoth away. Have to say, the hole place could have done with a serious lick of paint.
  2. Add me to the "maybe" file. Me, you, Tom = teapot.
  3. Can't do Tuesday as I think I'm either involved with band practice or the Stenhousemuir game. I'll probably be able to get properly involved after the new year, it's getting a wee bit tight with Christmas coming up.
  4. Stenhousemuir's free scoring midfielder. The Soccer Special. Whatta guy.

  5. Woah woah woah - there was a Cowden fan there last night? CowdenLoyal, what shirt did you have on?
  6. Caught on the iPlayer when I got back - he's a bit of a shit, innee? Good to see Stacey back though.
  7. Jolly good fun tonight. I think our team won (someone shouted, Next team's the winner! as I was clean through on goal and slotted home the vital goal, so I'll assume that my team emerged victorious) but it was an evenly matched and competitive game. Our side seemed to be slightly more physically imposing (and I probably use that in the kindest sense) with myself, Sao Paulo, Fudge and Calum in the side, while with the likes of Adam and McGowan in the opposition, they were deft of movement and moved the ball around quickly and with pace. They seemed fitter than us, but, crucially, I think our finishing was more clinical. I think we suffered from a lack of movement across the park and more often than not, would take the ball from the goalkeeper, move it sideways, then give it back to the goalkeeper. Sao Paulo was the only person with enough guile to hold the ball up and look for a telling pass, only for his teammates to remain static and confused. I can only think of a handful of times when me moved the ball around with incision and verve. There's no real excuse for this - if one person holds a position, then his teammates should be moving into space - this drags the opposition around and opens up attacking possibilities. In my defence, when I play 11-a-sides, I'm usually sitting in front of the defence and am not used to making runs or looking for smart passes, but this cannot translate into the 5-a-side format. That's the only real criticism of our overall performance - other than that, we played well, tracked our men (for the best part) and dug in to prevent the better players from taking advantage. The lack of fitness told in the final flourishes of the game with players tiring and jogging for the ball, but, overall, I think most players can be quite happy with their input. I also had one of the best conversations about Stenhousemuir FC on the drive home. I look forward to next week.
  8. No Shakehands Tom?! Gutted. As for you, Sao Paulo, I look forward to meeting you. Your posts on here, especially about Clyde FC, are informative.
  9. I think I can do tonight if needbe. My plans have been cancelled so I'm in, if needed.
  10. Will it be back on Monday come next week? I played fives tonight, first time I've played football since my awkward showing in Pie and Bovril FC's 4-4 draw through in Bathgate. I scored two excellent goals. I am keen to play.
  11. I can't do a Tuesday. Mondays yes, Tuesdays no.
  12. Yeah man, it's a superb film. There's some brilliant scenes with Combo in it - other than the ending, my favourite scene was when he gives Lol the box he made whilst in prison and she rejects his advances. Superb acting from Stephen Graham.
  13. Nah man, hate it, hate it, hate it. Still each to their own, I like U2 and a lot of people think they're shite.
  14. Hmm, they're one of the bands I loathe the most. They're up there with the Kaiser Chiefs. They may be excellent musicians (I don't doubt that) and decent live, but I find their music abhorrant. All shiny but fuck all substance underneath. One of the most soulless bands I can think of. I don't own any of their albums, thank God, but I've heard their singles and Knights of Cydonia is an aberration.
  15. PARANORMAL ACTIVITY An interesting concept. The film started well with a few "jumpy" bits (notaby when she wakes up suddenly in the middle of the night), but then kinda descended into a sub-Scooby Doo farce with a lot of banging doors and the like. I began to feel pretty bored, until the last scene - I have to say, I have never jumped out of my chair as much as I did then at any film. I can't understand the overly negative reviews of the film (SaltyTon seems to be to films what Jim Pansy is to football - completely contrary to everybody else), but, the ending aside, I don't think it's as good as the popular media would have you believe. ** (and maybe an extra half star for the final scene)
  16. I bought their album. It's alright. That kind of "Scottish sounding band" seem a bit ten-a-penny though.
  17. If you were in Football Manager, I'd sign you all for my Arsenal team. Methinks there's some exaggerating going on.
  18. I've got Crazy Legs', maybe we'll see if we can get him down and get him in goals.
  19. If only it was the real Cesc Fabregas playing. I'd want him in my team
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