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    Brechin City
  1. I'd be bloody surprised to find a knob there when I go for a pish at all! Oh, Lyn-Marie got there before me. And just to reinforce my little OCD ways, last night when I couldn't sleep I started reading the 'shitting stories' section. In particular I read the link where the bloke has a session in his dates bath. I don't know if you've read it. It's got pictures and a'hing. I just about cried with laughter (this was at 2 in the morning).
  2. Why, is it you that's doing it? DRY YOUR HANDS PROPERLY! I don't want to touch any cheesy knobs at work! I'm going to regret this post. I just know it.
  3. This is a really stupid thing that annoys me, but as I'm a little neurotic, I can't really help myself I'm afraid. At work there are a couple of fire doors just a couple yards from where the toilets are. Now, every so often when I grab the handle of the door, I discover that it is wet and it makes me freak because, while I know it is likely to be that someone just hasn't dried their hands properly, you can never really be sure of your work colleagues hygiene, can you? The upshot of this is that I tend to wash my hands at work at least 10 times a day (and probably leave the fire doors soaking as a result). Just thought I'd get that one off my chest
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