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O'Kelly Isley III

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Posts posted by O'Kelly Isley III

  1. Record saying Mitch wanted by 2 premiership teams, I fear we may be broken up this summer due to us doing so well this year. Murray will have some rebuilding job or have to use all his persuasive powers to talk them into staying.

    I'd be pretty astonished at this TBH - he has had a good season, scoring some cracking goals, but seldom really 'imposes' himself on games, Pittodrie apart.

    And I think everyone should begin to see the kiss the badge routine for what it is - a sham. Modern fitba is all about one-year deals and loans and just about every team will have the pack shuffled in the close season. And don't forget mercenary players.

    Just enjoy each season as it comes, Morton are a good example of just what can happen in next to no time.

  2. Had Kane not came in, Garry is our next striker?? So, next season he will be a starter up front (obviously depending on who we sign). I rate him very highly, he reminds me of Prunty a bit in his work rate and effort. He offers a lot to the club and given a consistent run in the team I think he will score plenty of goals too.

    Would be gutted if he left - which he won't!

    The situation could all be a bit flux, as today we hear that Saints are trying to extend Stevie May's contract beyond summer 2015; in that event could young Kane be a loanee again next term ?

    I'd certainly be sorry to see Garry Fleming go, not least because he can perform a couple of roles in the team. And then there is the enigma that is big Nishy, will he be with us again next term ?

    I'd personally like them all still to be here for next season.

  3. I wonder if this could be Prunts....Would hate to see him leave but I could understand if he was fed up at the lack of first team football which, at his age, he will want to be getting every week.


    I'd be sorry to see him leave as he has been associated with a lot of the good stuff surrounding Sons in recent years, not to mention one of the finest goals you'll ever see in Scottish football. However, I'd much rather Prunts or anyone left at the top and made a regular contribution elsewhere than they became a frustrated bit player here. Rovers now have a few bob and if it is Prunts then they'll be signing a first-class guy.

    Players, managers, directors, fans....we are all ultimately waves crashing against the shore but the sea must go on regardless.....

  4. I agree, but equally why should anyone else change something about themselves just because you don't like it?

    Well in this case it would save the individual from further public ridicule, not to mention mild humiliation.

    But you have a point Ranter; should we ever meet I'll look forward to belching or farting profusely in your company. Deal or no deal ?

  5. Agreed. He gets on my fucking wick. Has a tendency to shout for fouls that no-one else in the stadium has seen and get irate over completely inoccuous challenges. An oddball indeed.

    It's an interesting theme here; per head of average home support I reckon we have comfortably the largest percentage of bams of any club I've visited.

  6. It's cringey patter aye but home games wouldn't be the same without it - I get withdrawals if I don't hear 'crapped it ref!' every second Saturday.

    I also admire the guy's commitment to continue with a rant long after everyone else has settled back to watching the game. It's commendable enthusiasm.

    No it's not, it's a tedious bore. Sure, away from the fitba the guy is a very nice chap but his inability to recognise that there are two teams on the park and the ritual shouting at officials from start to finish is tiresome in the extreme. The hallmark of an oddball.

    And never trust a man who doesn't fucking swear.

  7. "looking at how the club can match it's success on the pitch with our strengthening position off it." I'd assume that refers to the stadium move, unless we're planning something else. It reads to me like the Trust are reassuring fans that they are keeping tabs on what the club are doing, it also reads to me like we've had to actually ask to be involved in the plans.

    Again, the club can put many of my worries to rest by releasing a simple statement outlining what our plan is. We don't need every detail, just an outline. I'm sure I'll be able to tell if the idea is batshit crazy or not from a simple outline.

    And that is the key point Moonster, any outline has to come from the club, all that the Trust can do ahead of that is to keep a watching and listening brief on things - Saturday's meeting has now posted that intent. No doubt in the fullness of time some sort of proposal will emerge, but it likely to be by way of a general document and will be short on specifics.

    Be that as it may, I fully expect the Trust to be at the heart of things thereafter to ensure that the Brabco vision, because that is what it is, is converted into win/win reality, not least because the Trust has individuals every bit as savvy and competent as the Board of DFC. The most sensible course would be an open partnership of all the relevant parties and hopefully that can emerge.

  8. After that Cappielow debacle last night I'm really hoping that things are going on in the background re Ian Murray's contractual situation and assessing team-building for next season. Whilst Murray's teams have achieved much over the last two seasons I feel that there has to be recognition of just how difficult this divsion will be next term and also how much we rely on astute loan signings, as of course do other clubs.

    Painful as it may be for certain players and their fan clubs within the DFC support, it's probably now time for some of them to move on to pastures new. Forward planning with regard to both playing pool budget and personnel should be starting right now, beginning with the spine of the team.

    I'm not worried about being in the play-off spot, I don't believe Alloa and Cowden will amass enough points to catch us, but I am concerned that we stumble into next season making panic signings in the final days. Now, DFC Board, if you could kindly leave your new stadium plans for 10 minutes.....

  9. So I've written a wee article on the recent success of part-time teams if anyone's interested.


    Feedback is welcome, unless it's bad in which case I may well be reduced to tears.

    Aye, good effort Sir, and it's a trend we are going to see more of as players increasingly realise that a decent day job combined with p/t fitba is perhaps a less precarious route than the full-time one.

    At no point over the last two seasons have Sons looked out of place fitness-wise and that reflects great credit on the current DFC set-up.

  10. What is it that we can't do though? I'm just a punter who pays in through the gate. I get a bar facility and the company of my fellow supporters pre match (and post match if I should wish) . I sit and watch the game in relative comfort with no hassle and then go home. I don't get any impression that there is anyone telling me not to do something or that I can't do something. I did see the diktat from our hosts Aberdeen FC last week - Now there was a list of do and donts!

    I may have worded that last sentence ambiguously Wilf, I meant matters more general than the detail of a match day.

  11. A couple of things are salient here. The move to any new ground is primarily for the benefit of Brabco, but we are not talking about John Hall or Hugh Scott here, let's afford the owners more respect than that. If DFC emerges with an enhanced stadium, with training, social and commercial facilities to match then that sounds fine on paper.

    I am not concerned that in Brabco we have asset strippers, I am however worried that we may have some fantasists who are conflating our current generational high-water mark on the pitch with some lasting legacy on the Renton Road. In order for that to happen there would need to be a very sound business model indeed and in the current information vacuum from the club itself it's difficult to get a handle on just what that is.

    Lastly, in terms of enticing more people along, I actually do believe there is still mileage in that but the plain fact is that it will never happen as long as the present local Directors, decent people to a man, maintain the current snobbish attitude in which the public is treated as a necessary evil, unless you form part of the inner sanctum.

    If the commercial direction and PR of DFC was radically overhauled in tandem with any new facility then it may all come together, but a professional football club needs professional people at the helm, that much should be self-evident to anyone with serious intentions.

    Moving to a spanking new ground to be told again that you can't do this or that just doesn't cut it.

  12. It might be common knowledge to you and me but a lot of fans know nothing because the club have said nothing, it's that aspect that makes me suspicious of the intention here. If we ever get to the Premiership we can worry about capacity, but are we really now basing our stadium requirements on the extremely unlikely and probably short lived trip to the top league? Look at our history, we go between the bottom leagues with an occasional foray into the 2nd tier. We average about 750/800 home fans. There is just no reason for a bigger, slightly newer stadium other than to give Brabco their pay out. Whats the plan for Brabco after they've sold the land?

    Like Pete, its purely our owners my issue is with here. At least we have the names of the people on our board. The whole thing reeks of fans getting shafted. Lets see what they are proposing.

    That, my young friend, is the absolute crux of the matter, ie what is the future ownership of the club ?

    I note too people are asking about Trust involvement/knowledge on this issue, presumably specifically referring to the Community Director. Let's just say that communication at DFC Board level can be something of a Venn diagram, and Board meetings are sometimes held at odd times, eg weekday afternoons, when everyone can't attend.

    I'm sure there's nothing sinister in it.

  13. Oh that it were so simple. White boxes have never been a problem to Historic Scotland whereas the stadium was/is anathema. Only severe and sustained pressure from Scottish Enterprise and the local MP of the time managed to overcome that to even have the reduced project built. But respect to your third party for penetrating an organisation so secretive and arcane that a reply to a straight written question can take several months and not contain an answer.

    To convert the 'wasteland' i.e. land with permission to build houses, would require another application for change of use to convert it from a house building site to a car park. How likely do you think it would be a) For the house builder to agree to this and b) The owners of the white boxes in Castle Rd (or indeed the residents of Castlegreen St) not to object en masse?

    OK3, you know the Chief Exec of DFC as well as I do. In a recent conversation with him he struck me as a man who was keen to embark on any scheme which would earn extra income for the club. He has I believe explored this very issue with the cooncil applying his considerable expertise in planning matters and concluded that it is a non starter.

    It’s a very good response Wilf and of course I was being rather disingenuous in my post.

    There are a couple of howevers, however, and I’m pretty sure that HS would not offer the same level of hostility as they did initially; how could they given that visitors to the Rock now look out over a derelict and crumbling red brick monolith surrounded by waste ground ? A piece of waste ground in fact that has recently been a temporary car park with no whiff of Planning Consent, now just how did our visitors manage that ?? ;)

    I’m also still curious how fellow cul-de-sac dwellers East Fife managed their temporary capacity arrangements, but no matter, what is really important is the statement in your last paragraph that the DFC Chief Exec has(literally) explored the avenues on the club’s behalf. If the definitive outcome is that we cannot install temporary additional capacity then that should effectively end any speculation on the subject, here or elsewhere, and I will graciously concede.

    And fair do’s to the club for pursuing the matter, at least we now know that they did.

  14. The truth of the matter is that an initial application for a 3500 seat stadium in the current location was turned down on the issue of insufficient parking. The capacity is capped at 2000 by WDC. It's because the ground is situated in a cul de sac. Other grounds don't have this problem. I understand that the chances of getting the housebuilder who owns the old Newton Bond site to turn it over to the club as a car park are around the same as Vladimir Putin getting Julian Clary and Graham Norton to co-host the closing ceremony at Sochi. Also Historic Scotland, who administer the Rock/Castle would not countenance an erection(!) (Stand/terracing) facing the Rock and apprently this is just as enforcable as the planning regs.

    Perhaps more of a historical truth Wilf, if we're talking about the same WDC which recently rowed back under public outcry from a truly crazy scheme to site a secondary school in a cul-de-sac at Posties Park. That is a school with circa 1000 pupils and staff operating on 5 days out of 7, as opposed to a football ground of occasional, mostly weekend, use. In other words there is a compelling line of argument should the club choose to employ it, cul-de-sacs are now seemingly WDC approved, and in this instance the public are on message.

    Secondly, I was told recently from a third-party with connections that the attitude of Historic Scotland is very much more relaxed than it was in 1999, as it has realised that in terms of visitor numbers and potential Dumbarton Rock is a very modest part of its portfolio. As such, they will not raise a cheep should DFC ever exit and builders thro up more white boxes to the very base of the Rock. So let's hear no more guff from them on temporary stands.

    As for the old Blackburn site, no-one is suggesting the purchase of this land, more the lease of a current wasteland as a temporary car park. Are builders so flush that they wouldn't even discuss or consider such a proposition of a easy money ? Amazing. Planned properly this could even alleviate the cul-de-sac problem by siting the parking at the top end with access via Castle Road and egress eastwards from Castlegreen Street.

  15. Re-WDC

    Heard they have already blocked any plans for Sons to erect a temporary stand for next season to accommodate Hearts/Rangers' large travelling support. Thereby denying a local club extra income.

    There line is that for every 10 people a parking space is required.

    That may well be the WDC take on things, but has the club actually pressed them on this and indeed is the club interested in pressing them on it ? Rightly or wrongly I sometimes get the impression that DFC officials are more in their comfort zone when they are issuing fatwas on where two-bob pennants can be hung rather than all the really important things which come with administering a professional football club in Scotland's second tier.

    I would really hope that if we stay up then every effort will be made to maximise the possible benefits to DFC.

  16. Two solid bits of business today from the Murraymaster. The loan extension of Kane is a huge boost which although expected is still great to hear. I also think the loan signing of a promising Celtic youth player who can play/cover both centre half and at full-back will only add strength and robustness to the squad.

    Can see us winning the league now. All aboard the promotion bus. Beep beep.

    Aye, I was just saying in work the other day how different the approaches of Murrinho and Shiels have been; Murray managed initially to get more out of the existing squad before making changes whilst Shiels has spun the revolving door big-time from the word go.

    IMO asking players to suddenly gel is a very risky business, especially as some of them don' t look to be genuine top drawer in the first place. Whatever, I'm delighted with the squad we currently have, and the cover available.

  17. A weird one for me. He didn't look great when he got a chance. But in comparison to quite a few players we have had/still have in the Dumbarton team, he didn't get very many chances. Best I witnessed him playing was vs Dundee United in the cup.

    Shame really but best wishes to him. Wonder if we will see his wage spent elsewhere?

    Apparently Kevin Smith was well rated on ability by fans at previous clubs but the guy has had lots of injury problems, and possibly like Nicky Phinn he has struggled to regain his mojo. The problem is that you need consistent game time to get fully back to speed and these two guys have become caught in a situation where if they can't perform pdq then they will remain on the fringes.

    With Nish, Prunts and Garry already on the books and now Chris Kane on loan Kevin had fallen way down the striking order. We wish him well, and I really hope this signals that we are able to hold on to young Kane until May as well as freeing up space/wages for a defender.

    I always felt the Smith signing was a bit of a panic/gamble by Murrinho but to his great credit he's made very few of them in his time here.

  18. Kirkpatrick has also signed an extension till the end of next season. Pleased with that, he's done enough this season to show he's worth keeping on.

    Very happy with Murray signing as well, I know he divides opinion a bit amongst our support but I think he's a valuable player for us. He's not great on the ball but that's not why he's there. He gives us a bit of steel and allows Christ Turner to push forward more.

    Not surprised by McNiff being released, wish him all the best and he should get a contract with a League 2 side no bother.

    Aye, pretty happy with that news tonight. Murray is a very useful guy to have around the team, and if we can convince Jordan to release the pass instead of taking on the sixth man, well, who knows what might happen.....

    Never been McNiff's biggest fan but I genuinely wish the lad all the very best for the future. Does this not free him up for a deal at Annan ?

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