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Posts posted by cambozpar

  1. 1 hour ago, Herman Hessian said:

    right - this can go in here as it was happening regardless rather than being a lockdown achievement, but here's five weekend's worth of graft replacing some thoroughly knackered raised beds of sorts that were here when we moved in last autumn...

    the original bombsite; had tree saplings and all sorts to start with that have been cleared over the winter:


    original sleepers mostly rotten and not much good at all other than foundations and retainers...


    a fine excuse to buy a mattock - what an excellent bit of kit that is !

    note the spirit level and measuring string to give the appearance of care and accuracy


    bog-standard half-lapped corners and some fucking great big coach bolts....

    (that's a tesco bag btw - not some union bears/princess of hearts nonsense or owt like that !)


    repeat a further three times, stick a couple of flower troughs at one end and lash up some steps...


    soil's very good but was full of bindweed - whole lot had to be dug over to a depth of 18", picked clean and sifted - b*****d of a job

    just gotta get some turf to fill in the gaps now, drop a few pavers in there and job's a good'un - shame i don't like vegetables really....


    Very nice but what did you do with the other 4 weekends?

  2. 9 minutes ago, JTS98 said:

    1.) What if we carry on as normal as possible but in a reduced state ie sporting events, mass gatherings etc. cancelled but still go about our daily lives. The plan being that we build up infections to the point where the NHS is at breaking point then hit the panic button and isolate.

    Again, I can see a certain logic in that. It's certainly important to avoid being blind-sided by a second wave, having mistaken extreme containment for 'problem solved'. China will be interesting to keep an eye on in that regard over the next couple of months.

    However, it's also a bit of a gamble. And, from an individual point of view, it might not be best to be part of this initial rush. We have nowhere near enough ventilators and we'll very quickly get to the stage where there aren't enough, so I don't think that justifies getting in early.

    Your right It is a gamble, a huge gamble and it might not be best to be part of this initial rush but on the other hand maybe it is. Im not knocking your point I completely agree with the gamble part merely challenging it.

    2.)This to me is exactly the place you want to be if you are severely affected by it. By all accounts at this moment in time we have 5000 ventilators in the UK. If you want to be in with a fighting chance of getting the use of one its definitely in the first mad rush and hopefully there will be enough to go round and cover the people who need them as we hit the breaking point before isolation cut off. (See point 1)

    This is the period where panic and uncertainty are going to be at their peak. Imagine every Saturday night in a hospital A&E but much worse. That's absolutely not when you want to be in a hospital. You'll be treated by exhausted staff working in terrible, confusing conditions. As mentioned above, I think the number of ventilators per person is so low that this is unlikely to be such a big consideration.

    Again another fair point about confusion but maybe not exhaustion. If we have 5000 ventilators why not wait until we get near the threshold of 5000 confirmed cases or even better 5000 severe cases that need ventilators before hitting the isolate button. From reports not all confirmed cases are as serious as others and probably even more case are being treatedby self isolation without even speaking to a doctor as per current government guidelines ,so why not make the most of the early cases to build up some kind of immunity in the population. got to be better than nothing right?

    The major problem with this in my opinion firstly is being able to put it off for months, is that acheivable without civil disobedience or full scale anarchy or a total collapse of the global economy. And what if after lets say 2 or 3 months there has been no vaccine found and we are still at square 1 and all you have done is delayed the inevitable.

    I agree with you here. We can't suspend life indefinitely and there is going to be a limit on the public's patience. But, sadly, we are where we are and decisions have to be taken about the best way to handle it. The economic consequences will be dire, lots of people will die, there will probably be resultant mental health problems, there will probably be suicides, marital problems, homelessness and all the other things associated with difficult economic times. I'm pretty sure I'll lose my job, for example. Not much that can be done about it.

    However, I still disagree that the best move is to get in early. I'd rather be patient 2,000,000 than patient 100,000 for the reasons I outlined above. Similar to the discussion about what to do with the football season on another thread, people just need to accept that this is going to be bad and find a way to best deal with that

    I see your point here totally and yes being patient 2,000,000 would be better than being patient 100,000 but only if it was going to be easier because there was a pain free vaccine.I also agree 100% about the football season. Completely irrelevant in what is going to be the biggest event in probably 95% of anyone alive todays lives. Good wee bonus if they just suspend the current season and start again if your a Hearts fan this season too i would imagine  :)


  3. 56 minutes ago, JTS98 said:

    I see what you're saying, but the problem with that is that if everybody behaves like that then the rate of infection will spike and health services will be overwhelmed and more people will die.

    People are going to continue to be infected every day, this is true, but it's best to try and put that off as long as possible for each of us on an individual level.

    Firstly, avoiding adding to the initial rush is obviously good.

    Secondly, if you need intensive care, then you don't want to be in the initial mad rush and associated confusion,

    Thirdly, if you can put this off for months then you might catch it at a time where we understand the virus better and your personal outcome may be better.

    I don't disagree with you, most of us are going to get this, but putting it off as long as possible seems like the best bet.


    Yeah good point but it seems we are the only country that seems to be going with this tactic.

    Maybe i dont have the vocabular skill capacity that explained fully what i meant in my previous post. I'll have another go.

     1.) What if we carry on as normal as possible but in a reduced state ie sporting events, mass gatherings etc. cancelled but still go about our daily lives. The plan being that we build up infections to the point where the NHS is at breaking point then hit the panic button and isolate.

    56 minutes ago, JTS98 said:

    I see what you're saying, but the problem with that is that if everybody behaves like that then the rate of infection will spike and health services will be overwhelmed and more people will die.

    People are going to continue to be infected every day, this is true, but it's best to try and put that off as long as possible for each of us on an individual level.

    Firstly, avoiding adding to the initial rush is obviously good.

    Secondly, if you need intensive care, then you don't want to be in the initial mad rush and associated confusion,

    Thirdly, if you can put this off for months then you might catch it at a time where we understand the virus better and your personal outcome may be better.

    I don't disagree with you, most of us are going to get this, but putting it off as long as possible seems like the best bet.

    2.)This to me is exactly the place you want to be if you are severely affected by it. By all accounts at this moment in time we have 5000 ventilators in the UK. If you want to be in with a fighting chance of getting the use of one its definitely in the first mad rush and hopefully there will be enough to go round and cover the people who need them as we hit the breaking point before isolation cut off. (See point 1)

    56 minutes ago, JTS98 said:

    I see what you're saying, but the problem with that is that if everybody behaves like that then the rate of infection will spike and health services will be overwhelmed and more people will die.

    People are going to continue to be infected every day, this is true, but it's best to try and put that off as long as possible for each of us on an individual level.

    Firstly, avoiding adding to the initial rush is obviously good.

    Secondly, if you need intensive care, then you don't want to be in the initial mad rush and associated confusion,

    Thirdly, if you can put this off for months then you might catch it at a time where we understand the virus better and your personal outcome may be better.

    I don't disagree with you, most of us are going to get this, but putting it off as long as possible seems like the best bet.

    3.)The major problem with this in my opinion firstly is being able to put it off for months, is that acheivable without civil disobedience or full scale anarchy or a total collapse of the global economy? And what if after lets say 2 or 3 months there has been no vaccine found and we are still at square 1 and all you have done is delayed the inevitable?

  4. 1 hour ago, PauloPerth said:

    So you'd go along with the strategy of letting half the population get infected to build up an immunity?  

    I probably would let the half population get infected but as slowly as possible if thats an option so as not to crack an already fragile NHS. I think we are all almost certain to be infected at some point and the more updates filtering through the more im starting to think it might be best to try and meet this head on and get it over and done with. Unfortunately there are going to be mass casualties either way it seems and drawing it out or trying to hide from this could be pointless and possibly the even more damaging option in the long term.

    What you dont want is everyone to go into isolation too soon and think the virus is beat then a second wave to kick off just as people come out off isolation. Cue everyone saying "f**k it im not isolating again as it never worked the first time" then the result would be that the NHS then cant cope as its hit with a massive wave of cases resulting in more deaths overall.

    One of the biggest problems is a lot more people could probably be saved if there were enough hospital staff and medical equipment to go around.

    All in all this is a huge clusterfuck and every government is making it up as they go along.

  5. 9 hours ago, Hedgecutter said:

    They were probably in a standoff (or sit-off, whatever) against the person in the other cubicle as it seems to be an unwritten rule that if you were in first, then you leave first.  It's funny how some people will refuse to be seen walking out of a toilet cubicle because having to take a dump outside of your home is evidently the embarrassing calling card of a weirdo.

    I have to admit that there were times where I had witnessed the locked cubicle of silence, left the bogs to (unsurprisingly) suddenly hear the cubicle door open immediately after I've left, only to catch them out by walking back in.  The look of panic because somebody knew he had done a sh*t was strangely entertaining.  I have since found fulfilment in other areas of life. 

    Why would you want to catch someone out having a shite?

    Weirdo behaviour

  6. Anybody else get mad flashback/daydreams like the monk from mean machine when doing the christmas food run or is that just me?

    I honestly feel i could butcher half the c***s in asda doing food shopping with no remorse whatsoever at this time of year, human beings are complete inconsiderate arseholes

  7. 1 hour ago, NewBornBairn said:

    There's arseholes on bikes and there's arseholes in cars. Arseholes on bikes hold cars up for a few seconds whilst arseholes in cars kill people. Then there's arseholes on football forums that go trolling. Make your own mind up which arseholes are the worst.

    You forgot arseholes who support Falkirk

  8. 5 minutes ago, WeAreElgin said:

    Shite, I was in a Japanese restaurant the other week with a few guys from work, usually the waitress takes your order and asks if anyone needs cutlery, as it's chopsticks on the table.

    I ask for a fork and knife - my boss bursts out laughing and the woman looks like I've just insulted her entire family. Came back with just a knife. There's a high chance someone spat in my dinner because they thought I'm after a fucking knife emoji849.png

    Should have done the decent thing and performed hari kiri on yourself.

  9. 21 minutes ago, Herman Hessian said:

    people (americans) who insist on saying "freaking" this and "freaking" that

    people (irish) who insist on saying "fecking" this and "fecking" that

    people (english) who insist on saying "firkin'" this and "firkin'" that

    how's about you have the courage of your convictions and just say FUCKING, why don't you ?

    Why does this frigging bother you?

  10. 3 hours ago, Flybhoy said:

    Anyone attending that Star Sixes pish at the Hydro in Glasgow tonight and over the weekend, watching overweight ex professional footballers in their 40's and 50's half heartedly kicking a ball about just to get an appearance fee to reduce their tab at Ladbrokes  and paying for the privilege.

    From the Hydros website:

    "The world’s greatest players will reunite in January at Glasgow’s SSE Hydro for the second edition of Star Sixes - an indoor 6-a-side football tournament featuring the legends of the game. "


    6 ex pars players involved , worlds greatest players indeed lol

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