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Everything posted by CLANCY2KTID

  1. ^^^^^^^^^^ seems quite calm. I've been worse
  2. My company works as a subcontractor for first scotrail and we go round every depot and station in the country. Scotrail is usually a cushy number, and an excellent company to get into.
  3. Better watch you don't get called a liar It's minging when that happens though. What do you actually need to do to win these games? Even sweaty cutback tap ins skew wide or blaze over. It's not good for your sanity.
  4. It's in regular seasons. I don't play fut as I'm too old and tech-phobic to work out what's going on. I think you only need 21 points to win div1 on that. It's 23 in regular seasons.
  5. I' already tried that the last time I was on 21 points in division 1. Bought about 6 extra games and got pumprd in them all. Karma
  6. I'm currently sitting on 22 points in division 1 on seasons. 2 games to play, need one point to finally get a league title. We all know what's going to happen next........... I'm actually scared to play these games because I just know I'm going to break lots of things.
  7. I'm glad we can all be amigo's again then. Don't like arguing with fellow diddy team fans.
  8. Not a kid, well, physically Demon drink doesny help either though, drunk last night, hungover n crabbit this morning, that's what happens when nights out get curtailed for parenthood and become a quarterly event.
  9. Haha my Mrs won't let me play it while the weans in the house for that reason
  10. And that'd be second time you've resorted to name calling with me. I did it once with Gareth, but I'm the fanny eh? Get a grip, I don't see what Gareth calling me a liar me calling him a cock socket had to do with you anyway sad-act.
  11. Jesus, you seem more agitated about it than anyone.
  12. Not necessarily, buts its a bit fucked up that in your next game, with the same team and same style of play, you can have 5 shots and score 3/4 of them. I wouldn't say I think scripting definitely exists, but the jury is still out for me.
  13. ^^^^^^ I agree Rob, accusing someone you have know idea about of talking shite about something so trivial got my back up and I apologise.
  14. Well clearly they didn't go in, hence the 3-2 scoreline. Is personal abuse how to deflect a lie? If I'd been armed with that knowledge at a younger age I could've been a successful lawyer or spin doctor, damn hindsight.
  15. I don't understand why anyone would think you'd lie on a stupid FIFA forum though. What would be the point?
  16. And what I'm saying is, I managed four cut backs, two went in, two blazed over the bar from about 6 yards, wtf would i get out of lying on a rage page? Lolz I make up rage stories to complete strangers just so I get a bite
  17. And i suspect you're a cock womble, each to their own.
  18. His keeper let in two goals and still got a 10 rating. He saved everything I could throw at him and I've never struggled to score against rcl before I've also never seen a keeper get top marks without a clean sheet. Both goals I did manage were shitty open goals but manage to blaze two of them over from about 6 yards at 2-2. It doesn't happen often, but sometimes you just can't win at all.
  19. I was Killie against lens on seasons the other night, he scored and gave it all the big celebrations and replays after 3 mins. Halftime comes around, 1 each, stats were 12 shots on target for me, 1 for him Full time? 3-2 defeat, final stats, 27!!!!! Shots on target for me, 3 for him. But hey, scripting doesnt exist.
  20. All the best mate, I'm sure it'll all be by soon and you can get on with it all
  21. Seen them live the only two times they've played Scotland. That'll change this year though. My second choice for for name was Stephanie after "stevie" nicks. Vetoed aswell Best of luck anyway mate, hope she's a better sleeper than ours.
  22. Congrats mate. Not long and it'll all be fine Rhiannon was always my favourite girls name but the Mrs vetoed it. "Would you stay if she promised you heaven?" Top name sir.
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