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Posts posted by dan_ict

  1. Still haven't gotten over this gig. I seriously underestimated what an incredible live-act Bruce would be. Still well up thinking about that "Thunder Road" acoustic. Incredible.

  2. Sorry man!

    Right troops, I've flung enough random universe facts at you. If anyone wants to know more about any particular part of the cosmos, let me know in the thread and I'll do my best to enlighten you in a FUN way...


    Any facts on black holes Confidemus?

  3. Went to see "Mama" tonight. Just the same as every other horror film released these days: an atrocious, unbelievable, shite plot tucked in behind some cheap, easy scares. A fucking haunted bag of leaves man. Total balls. 2/10

    Honestly, can't remember the last time I left the cinema after a horror film feeling genuinely entertained. It's becoming ridiculous. No effort goes into making horror films these days.

  4. Cajun fried chicken and potato wedges.


    1 x Chicken breast

    1 x Bag of Potatoes

    Schwartz Cajun Spice

    Schwartz Barbecue Spice


    Olive Oil


    1. Pour a generous amount of Cajun spice onto a worktop and mix with a wee splash of olive oil until it's like a paste

    2. Butterfly the chicken breast

    3. Rub the marinade into the chicken

    4. Tenderise the chicken...(Punch the f**k out of it)

    5. Stick it in the fridge until your ready to eat it.

    6. Fry the chicken (On a griddle pan if you have one. If not, just use a frying pan) until cooked right through.


    1. Cut the potatoes into wedges and boil them for 12 minutes

    2. Whilst the tatties are boiling, stick a baking tray in the oven with a generous amount of olive oil.

    3. When the tatties are done, dump them in the hot baking tray.

    4. Apply generous amounts of paprika, barbecue spice and a wee bit of olive oil to the potatoes and mix well.

    5. Put them back in the oven at 180° for thirty five minutes.


  5. End of Watch - 9/10

    I really, really, really enjoyed this film. Didn't expect much, just a routine cop film. Was pleasantly surprised. The use of first person perspective was simple, yet incredibly effective: Really gets the adrenaline going. Gyllenhaal and Pena are fantastic. My only criticism of this film is the structure. Seems a bit loose. Still, an utterly brilliant film.

  6. Had that sleep paralysis a few months back. Lying there, sweating my tits off when an elderly Chinese man wearing a suit came and crouched, out of sight, at the foot of my bed. Tried screaming... mouth would open, nothing would come out however. Fucking terrifying. Eventually managed to free myself and spent the whole night searching my room for an old Chinese fella. Didn't find him unfortunately...

  7. Agree with that entirely. New Jersey for all its sins has produced the holy triumvirate of Bruce Springsteen, Ted Leo aUnd the Pharmacists and The Gaslight Anthem. This album falls plonk in the middle of those. (The acoustic song could come straight off Nebraska).

    Speaking of Mae, it's gorgeous. It seems to me to be made up of lyrics from other songs. Without googling, how many songs can you find? Starter for one; Tom Waits Downtown Train.

    Actually having listened to their first couple of album, he does nick lyrics a lot, especially from Mr Waits.

    I've noticed this. Especially Downtown Train.



    Love the inclusion of the songs, works so well. Thewhole performance of that set at Reading is unbelievably good though.

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