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Everything posted by weeredbook

  1. Whenever I even contemplate switching off as regards this season. I think of the one before.I think of the thought of dread, the horror of having to watch the most awfull brand of football I have witnessed at Palmerston.The "hope" of scraping a point in the most shitiest game ,worse than the week before.Was it that bad ? Without doubt it was.McPherson was responsible and it was shite . I want to be entertained.This season is some of the best football I have seen at Palmerston in years.
  2. What about Jim Butter ? McLaren wasted about £20k on him ! .Butter ? more like doughnut.
  3. There is a discussion on the South of Scotland Page (Fixtures), and your team crops up on it.It mentions an indoor 3g training area ? .My pals lad played there for a regional schools team and raved about the park and facilities.In this day and economic climate how do you do it ? .I have been twice and it looks a superb facility.
  4. Hope that Mr Robertson is keeping well, after his recent ilness.
  5. The current board will not have any fan/trust representative anywhere near the boardroom .
  6. Its on a different level .Sports scientist does the whole warm up and the players are weighed before EVERY training session.This is to monitor weght loss as apparently this effects concentration levels as fatigue kicks in .Most of the very early pre season training was done by a fitness expert and dietory requirements/eating routines etc were given out. The players were also told that the halfway line was for going over (made that up ). Night and Day was the comment I got..
  7. I remember the cup game against them midweek in the seventies.It pissed with rain the whole game.Was stood right up the back of the Terregles street end soaked to the skin .Queens battled away all night.Was a great performance.
  8. On the subject of Young .Have they sorted the "toilets " at the portman road end ? ,or maybe it isn't a priority to have fans not pissin in a hovel .
  9. Mugabe is quoted as saying " I wouldn't stoop that low " .
  10. According to todays Standard the recent vote was "nothing to do with Queen of the South " .Eh .HELLO HELLO is there anybody there ? . You couldn't make it up.
  11. Just heard that the Trust chairman Ross Corbett has stood down.This is a man who's dedication to the club has been total.TravelClub,Trust,Action Group,Ball boys, you name it, he is there.You know that there is something wrong when this guys enthusiasm starts to wain.A true Queens man who's had the club at the forefront for years.He is what SUPPORTING a club like Queen of the South is all about.Hang your heads in shame B.O.D. .
  12. Think its Hearts reserves/youngsters.The opposition so far has been awfull, I have been to all the games.Clyde were rank and the other three not a lot better. Wouldnt sign Young or Robertson .Lad at the back looks decent but would like to have seen the team for 30 minutes on the back foot .
  13. Thought Queens were lethargic and only played for 30 minutes.Clark is a complete waste of a wage ( that should grab the boards attention) he is woeful. Gibson will pick up numerous cards for dissent, as he clearly hasnt grown up.Hard to judge players against a very poor Gretna team .
  14. Will we have a statement from the chairman after the vote ? . I suspect if its unpopular, it will be left to Mark Robertson .
  15. The one thing I am looking forward to, after the vote, is the resignations.The clowns "in charge" of our game cannot have the brass neck to stay.......or can they ? .
  16. He was on Border tv the other night ,must be same interview he basically muttered a few words.The Annan chairman was spot on when he was interviewed .Also agreed with what he said today in the paper "if it was Killie or S tMirren the fixtures would be out and we wouldnt even be disscussing this " . Tommorow will determine if I buy a season ticket or not.
  17. Super Ro new head of youth at Annan . They obviously didnt speak to some of the lads he had at Gretna !.
  18. Excellent centre half ,very nice guy,great signing.
  19. Excellent centre half ,very nice guy,great signing.
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