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Everything posted by zorba74

  1. good for you, hope you've furloughed all your leith hookers
  2. Finished? Anyway enjoy the premier next season will see you whenever we come back up
  3. don't care, we still won't struggle as much as you to make ends meet
  4. I was right, paisley is full of junkies. get off the gear
  5. you voted out of self interest to get your money, you didn't question doncasters motives. you look after yourself, we will look after ourselves, best of luck
  6. haha st johnstone, 3 stands to the old firm, will you get through this?
  7. how many stands do you need to give to the old firm to keep your club going?
  8. who cares. we could get relegated to the lowland league and we will still be bigger than you, we won't down for long. form is temporary, class is permanent. money will never be an issue for us, we were just crap this season. how's your finances?
  9. every man for themselves now. what did lawwell and Doncaster offer you to change your vote?
  10. done it before you muppet and we will do it again the fans will make sure of it
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