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Everything posted by captainkev

  1. I'd love to see them do Morbius in a spiderman film. The Morbius story arcs in the animated Spiderman cartoon from the early 90s were some of my favourite episodes as a kid.
  2. Ah then off the top of my head I can't think of a comic book movie good threequel. Superman 3 loses the plot by cramming Richard Pryor into the film and attempting to make it into a comedy. Batman Forever has it's moments but ultimately doesn't quite work, mainly as they let Tommy Lee Jones portray Two-Face as a poor man's Joker. Spiderman 3 suffers as it has too much crammed into one movie and Raimi's quirkieness has started to influence the film in a bad way. X-Men 3 is just poor to be honest. Killing Cyclops (off-screen essentially) just as your starting to do the Jean Grey Pheonix storyline is beyond stupid. The Dark Knight Rises is nowhere as clever as it thinks it is. It has some great visuals and the scene when the cops charge at the escaped criminals in the derelict sreets is impressive, if some what stupid when you consider what they're up against. Overall, the film is too bloated and too long. I don't have a problem with long films so long as there is good reason for the length like The Return of the King for example.That film doesn't squander much time and wraps up the trilogy well. The Dark Knight Rises doesn't. I can't think of any other comic book movie threequels really, have I missed any potential good ones? Although like P.C said, Iron Man 3is looking promising though. Edit: Forgot Blade Trinity. That film sucks though so the point about no good comic book movie threequels still stands.
  3. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade is a good threequel. Tbh, I'd say it's my favourite out of the whole Indiana Jones series.
  4. Great White Shark is potentially interesting. He's got a lot going for him but ultimately he' s probably too unknown by the public at large to be used as a villain at the moment. Then again I'd never heard of Ra's al Ghul and subsequently Talia al Ghul until after I'd watched Batman Begins so with the right person at the helm it might work out. I don't agree that Robin does not or can not translate to the big screen. I mentioned Batman Forever earlier and although that film is far from perfect, I think it shows Robin can work in a Batman film. Batman Forever imo would have worked a bit better had they cast a younger actor as Robin. Having Robin around gives Batman something to lose in a situation. Although Robin can look after himself, he's still Bruce Wayne's responsibility. In the comics the fact that Batman failed to save the second Robin from being killed by the Joker haunted the character for years after the actual story took place. If you put Robin's life seriously at threat in a film then you can really ramp up the stakes in a story rather than having resort to having a nuclear bomb set to blow up the city.
  5. I can see where Christian Bale was coming from when he said he'd refuse to a film with Robin. In retrospect it's easy to see his version of Bruce Wayne is a man who can barely keep himself together emotionally and psychologically. Obviously no version of Bruce Wayne is entirely stable given that he dresses up as a bat and goes out fighting crime. However the Bale version of Bruce Wayne seems far more emotionally damaged than the vast majority of interpretations of Batman that I've come across* . Batman usually serves as a father figure for Robin (in the same way Alfred does for Bruce Wayne) but there is no way Bale's Bruce Wayne could ever be that sort of person. If they do go for Robin then I hope they'd be doing it with a view to making him Nightwing. An interesting route to go down perhaps would be to have Batman with Robin for a couple of films, have Robin become Nightwing leaving Batman alone again, then do a Killing Joke style story examining just how far Batman could and will go if he doesn't have Robin at his side to stop him. It'd be a hard sell to a studio to begin with but it'd be a potentially interesting story. * The only one that comes close is the Batman in Grant Morrison's Arkham Asylum and even that's meant to be a criticism of that kind of emotionally vulnerable depiction of Batman
  6. Seeing as doing the origin story again for Batman will probably be unneccesary (The Amazing Spiderman kinda demonstrated that) perhaps the best way to get a new Batman series going would to fire in with him already out fighting crime and doing the Robin origin from scratch? They might not even choose the Dick Grayson Robin either which would be unexpected but still interesting.
  7. I think if they are going to do Hush they should wait until they've established an series with ongoing villains in place (like Nolan did with Scarecrow in his three films). Then when you've had a couple of films or so and got the villains ready to go, do the original Hush storyline with all the villains lining up to get Batman. Frankly do that or an Arkham Asylum film with Batman trapped with the lunatics. A film with Deadshot is a good shout as well, wouldn't mind seeing what a fresh creative team would do with him. Is anyone else keen on seeing a more serious take on Robin? Batman Forever wasn't horrendous in it's approach with the character but they ultimately shot themselves in the foot by having an actor too old to be Robin. The character of Robin particularly seems to have been contaminated by the failure of Batman and Robin as far as the mainstream opinion goes. It good to see him get taken as seriously as Batman has been in the last three films. Edit: Meant to add, I know Jospeh Gordon-Levitt's character is meant to be a Robin-esque figure but it's not the same as the actual boy wonder himself is it?
  8. Unfortunately that's true for a few Batman villains, you only have to look at Tommy Lee Jones's performance as Two-Face in Batman Forever. The characters who have an obvious gimmick can easily be turned into poor Joker knock-offs. Victor zsasz has a lot of potential as a villain too. You could do a pretty decent film with Batman hunting down Zsasz trying to stop him going on a killing spree. The phone call sidequest in Arkham city and his interview tapes in Arkham Asylum show Zsasz's particular addiction to murdering people can be quite creepy. Plus if it's a cat and mouse style story with Batman and Zsasz you can technically look at Batman as the worlds greatest detective which none of the Batman films have really gone into up till now.
  9. I think there is something to the pop culture thing of villains going in and out of fashion as time goes on. Even The Joker had a bit of a dry spell in the comics during the 1960s only to come back with a bang as comics started to move on from the silver age. Mr. Freeze is a good example of a villain who was pretty unremarkable for the first couple of decades after his creation. But since the animated series of the early 90s he's become a quite popular villain (schwarzeneggar's portrayal excluded ). I have to agree with you on the Ventriloquist. Excellent villain but we're unlikely to see him in a Batman film any time soon. I'd quite like to see Mad Hatter as a villain in a Batman film. It's quite unlikely though that Warner Bros. would have him as a villain either.
  10. I'd love to see a Spiderman film with one of those two. Although if they're going to have Carnage then they'll probably need to establish Venom again in this series continuity. I've always liked Scorpion as well so wouldn't mind seeing a film with him as the villain either.
  11. I'm fine with them going for supposed "second string" villains now. Sandman is a pretty second string villain but he was the strongest of the three bad guys in Spiderman 3. Although given how much screen time Venom got and the quality of Harry Osbourne's Goblin it wasn't exactly hard to be the strongest villain in that film. Frankly I'm just relieved as all those the references to Norman Osbourne and OsCorp in the last film had me worried they were just going to do the Green Goblin again. However Electro could be a breath of fresh air. Hopefully they don't rush this one through like the last film and make it something special.
  12. Sounds intreguing. I'm really looking forward to seeing this as I thought First Class was awesome. I've not managed to read the original comic Days of Future Past storyline but I thought the adaptation they did of it for the Fox X-Men Cartoon was brilliant.
  13. Looks amazing judging by this trailer. I really loved GTA IV so if they do continue down that sort of route I'll still be interested. The only thing that does leave me a little cold is the whole 3 protagonist thing. I'm not sure how having 3 playable characters is going to work out but Rockstar have never let me down before with the GTA series and RDR so I'll have trust that their doing some intersting stuff with it.
  14. I love Batman Begins, it's by far my favourite of the Nolan Batman films, probably my favourite Batman film in general (although I haven't seen the original Burton film in a while). Most people tend to go for The Dark Knight over Begins but I really prefer the latter. I don't think Katy Holmes is nearly as bad in it as some people like to make out either.
  15. I think the strength or point of the original ending is that the whole situation that has arisen in the world of Watchmen with the US and the USSR rushing towards mutally assured destruction is so absurd and so crazy that the only way to defuse it and prevent it is to introduce something so left field, something equally absurd in order to get shake the world up and unite it. Although I suppose the argument to that is that for a book that tries to realistically imagine a world in which an actual superhero exists, this ending could be too fantastical or even silly to fit in with established tone of the book, hence the change for the film. Fair enough, I'd disagree, in my view, both the original book and the film work as good desconstruction of superhero stories. The plot for me isn't particualrly that nonsensical. The Thor film's plot I thought was ridiculous although I accept that was part in parcel with adaption the character.However the plot of Watchmen for me is quite good, there are a couple of good bits of misdirection in it. There are a lot of interesting visuals so I really can't agree that's boring. Also, saw Skyfall last night. Quite enjoyed it despite not really being all that hyped to see it. I don't think we're going to see another Bond film of this ilk for a long time. On the one hand, it's quite traditional Bond fare, but on the other hand it's quite radical in it's approach to Bond. It's similar to On Her Majesties Secrect Service and View To A Kill in some ways in the way it touches on Bond as a character. You could even argue he's not actually the main character in this film. I'm convinced there's also reference back to a previous villain with in a scene with Javier Badam's character. Also I'm not sure whether to feel very smug for calling what was about to happen in the last couple of minutes before it happened or if it was actually blatantly obvious to see all along. Good Bond film though. 8/10.
  16. I gave Watchmen another viewing today for the first time since I saw it originally in the cinema. I enjoyed it a lot more, mainly as I'd actually read the book before this viewing and wasn't going into the film cold without any understanding as to what the book set out to do. The film looks gorgeous and the attention to detail in recreating the visual styles and cues from the comic is fantastic. The action sequences are brutal but well choreographed to recreate the static slickness of comic action sequences. Zack Snyder's choice of music for the soundtrack is spot on and the casting is superb. Real credit has to go the filmmakers here for resisting the urge to stick big Hollywood names into these parts and casting less well known but talented actors for these parts. Jackie Earle Haley and Patrick Wilson are excellent as Rorschach and Nite-Owl. Malin Akerman shines in a few scenes, her final minutes on Mars in particular, but is unlucky in comparison to the other actors as I think her character receives less attention as a result of the adapting the dense Watchmen story to the screen. One part I think actually works better in the film than the book is the telling of Doctor Manhattan's origin story from his perspective, jumping around in his timeline. The depiction of it in the book is fantastic on its own but I just think that being able to see these events happening due to being recorded on film gives the film's depiction of it superiority. Having the music going on adding to the atmosphere of that part of the story only serves to enhance it further as well. As for the ending. Although I've come round to the view that the book's version of the end is better, I understand and totally respect why the film went the way it did in terms of trying to be neater with the whole thing. I don't really like giving ratings if I'm honest but if I had to give one I'd say Watchmen was a 9/10 for me.
  17. captainkev

    South Park

    I've really enjoyed most of the episodes from the new series. The piss take of James Cameron in the Honey Boo Boo episode was fantastic and made all the better for the fact that they have him save the day at the end. The James Cameron song is hilarious is just classic South Park. Furthermore, I know it's kind of obvious, but the Bane jokes in the Insecurity episode are just brilliant. It feels like a really old South Park kind of joke. The impression is superb and despite the fact that it has no relevancy to whats going on it just amused the hell out of me.
  18. I've never been able to really warm to Hot Fuzz really. I've tried to watch it about three times now and only managed to get through it all the way once. I found it never quite took off for me. Doesn't help that Shaun of the Dead's brilliant and I just can't help comparing Hot Fuzz to it in my head. Timothy Dalton's great in this though. He was my favorite Bond when I was younger but I used to always think of him as a serious sort of person so it's good to see him playing a pretty fun part.
  19. Agree about the Angels. We didn't even get a year away from them last year with them being shoe-horned into The God Complex (they were in one of the rooms as I remember it but I can't recall which characters room it was). I find myself feeling about the Weeping Angels how I felt way about the Daleks back after Evolution of the Daleks aired in series 3. I thought the Daleks needed to go away for a series and a bit and that's how I'm feeling about the angels nows. However, with the anniversary coming up next year we're likely going to see a bunch of old monsters come back like the Angels and the Daleks so I reackon if your a bit tired of the Angels your just gonna have to suck it up but also hope to be pleasantly surprised. While I'm mentioning the 50th anniversary and returning villains, does anyone think we'll see a new incarnation of The Master for the anniversary? Would you like to see him come back? Although there were a lot of people who didn't warm to him I really liked John Simm's versions of The Master but I'd also quite like to see how Moffat would interpret The Master in order have him work best against Matt Smith's Doctor.
  20. Doubt it. Moffat has probably still got a tonne of fantasies about Alex Kingston in different uniforms that he wants to see her act out yet. I didn't get how no one noticed the Statue of Liberty moving either, Moffat didn't even chuck in the cheap "perception filter" explanation to even try cover that one. It's a shame as the idea of the Statue of Liberty being a Weeping Angel is brilliant imo.
  21. Christ I'm never gonna feel safe walking past that statue again now. As for the episode, thought it was all right. Thought it was pretty ballsy to show Amy and Rory willing to kill themselves by jumping off the roof on Saturday evening family entertainment even though they had them survive through a timey wimey paradoxy thing. As for their exit, I wasn't overly moved by it, probably because of the way Rory was just cast aside so Amy could get a big emotional moment. I think they jumped the gun by having the Doctor take them home last series in The God Complex. I found that scene far more moving than their eventual farewell last night. I'd probably been much happier if that had been the conclusion to their story. Still, new companion at christmas. Pretty excited about that. Can't wait to see what direction they go in now they've moved on from Amy and Rory's story. Also, after two years worth of wild speculation about what it could mean, now Amy's story's over, it looks like it really was just an empty duck pond after all.
  22. I'd love to see Ecclestone back but the reality is he's never coming back to the show. In a way that's probably a good thing. I rewatched Dalek a few weeks ago and I struggle to see how that damaged 9th Doctor can really work effectively opposite the 10th and 11th incarnations especially given how odd Matt Smith's Doctor is prone to be some times. But even with that said, I really would love to see all 3 of them altogether, gathered around the Tardis console bickering and saving the universe for just for one episode. Hell McGann still looks alright, I wouldn't seeing his Doctor with them too. The likeliest scenario imo is that the most we'll get if they do a multi-Doctor story is David Tennant back. Wouldn't be all that bad seeing Smith and Tennant together, especially considering the way the 10th Doctor went out and his attitude to regenerating by the end.
  23. Where were the flickering lights in the other episodes? Agree about the sonic screwdriver solution being a disappointment though.
  24. Definitely agree with the shouts for The Mind Robber. Troughton's just on fire throughout it and the cliffhanger to episode 1 is just brilliant whether your paying attention to the story or just staring at Wendy Padbury's arse. There's a few Doctor Who DVDs that I haven't seen mentioned yet that I'd reccommend as well. Planet of Evil is worth a look. Tom Baker isn't arsing around by that point and Lis Sladen is on top form too. Best part is they make a really convincing alien planet set. I can't think off the top of my head if they ever made another alien planet look as good as the one in this story. Even now in the new series I don't think there is as one as good as this. Kinda & Snakedance are well worth a watch too. Very different kind of stories but they've got a tonne of ideas in them and the monster at the end of Kinda is one of those old school monsters you have to see as a DW fan. Oh and imo: Genesis of the Daleks > Revelation > Remembrance > Ressurection > Destiny Also last nights episode was pretty good. Naff final line but Mark Williams was good fun, shame they've only brought his character in this series, would like to see more of him as Rory's dad.
  25. Traynor: "Should Dundee United survive?" Oh f**k you Traynor ya fat b*****d!
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