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Everything posted by LiamDFC

  1. Really looking forward to this one — one minute I'm confident we'll thump them, the next I'm shitting myself and convinced we're resigned to the automatic relegation spot. Where's everyone drinking beforehand? Thank you.
  2. Central midfield is a perennial problem - they rarely track back or block the runners. Overall, we're just not very good at football. Praying we do enough to stay up and limp towards the next transfer window. Lots needing done with this team...
  3. Oh dear. It's all pretty straightforward to me.. Yes, he wasn't putting in much effort at the end, but it's ridiculous to say he 'contributes nothing'. When he was on form for us, particularly when he first came in, he was very, very good. Agree with the point that the shape of the team has changed under McIntyre (and he'd probably be even further adrift if he'd stayed given the new format), but this rewriting of history isn't fair or accurate IMO. He made a fucking atrocious team look decent at times and his composure helped the headless chickens that made up the numbers. Remember he was surrounded by the likes of Deacon and Inness and had clowns like Moussa in-front on him. Don't get me wrong, I hope Rangers lose every game from now until their next liquidation, but I think Kamara is a decent buy for them. Thank you.
  4. Post of the year and it's only February. Well played.
  5. Nice. If we was cold here, f**k know how he'll survive over there. Thank you.
  6. Dare I ask... how is Haber getting on? He was fucking garbage for us and I'm so happy I don't have to watch the glove-wearing charlatan pretend to play football every week. Thank you.
  7. Totally agree with this. He was alright, but we'd just be swapping pish for pish, IMO. Thank you.
  8. Hiya, welshbairn. I try to pop in now and again, rarely post, though. And you’re right, I’m pretty sure most of the MS Paint stuff was lost when P&B did a Sevco. Probably for the best!
  9. I have heard from one source that Archie is being lined up to step in as interim manager - with Barry Smith as his assistant. Jocky as Head of Scouting just for the laugh. I'd buy a season ticket for next year just to see him wave towards the Derry again. Some boy.
  10. I don't think I've ever had such apathy towards the club. Genuinely losing any interest in our results atm — I was at a wedding so had a good excuse to ignore the Rangers game, but when I heard we were 3-0 down I didn't even raise an eyebrow. Part of me wants us to get humped on Saturday so the whole McCann charade can finally conclude. Shite times.
  11. Lee Wallace and f**k off and die, imo. Thank you.
  12. Worst Dundee strip in living memory? They've taken a nice idea and produced something that looks genuinely fucking terrible.
  13. I’m so fucking bored of St Johnstone and the witless band of clipes that follow them. Thank you.
  14. I’ll pass them my concept sketches. Thank you.
  15. Good luck to him. Feel we can do better tbh, but he was by no means our worst performer this year. Thank you .
  16. This is what I've been calling it too. Gets my vote.
  17. I've also just seen this from the club: The club can today confirm that the following players have not been offered new contracts following the conclusion of the season – Jon Aurtenetxe - Julen Etxabeguren
 - Kostadin Gadzhalov
 - Kevin Holt - 
Nicky Low
 - Jeremy Malherbe - 
Jordan Piggott Loan players Simon Murray and A-Jay Leitch-Smith have also returned to their parent clubs. We would like to thank everyone of these players for their efforts while at Dens and wish them all the best for the future. The club will announce details of any contract renewals or new players signing when negotiations are complete. Wouldn't argue with any of those.
  18. This thread has provided some fine moments in the last 24 hours. Thank you.
  19. The Bobby Cox is filled with bairns and auld fishwife-type moaners IMO. Will always be The Derry for me. Thank you.
  20. Fifespud is right and it’s been staring us in the face for decades. Dundee are no different to other Scottish teams in this regard. The Scottish game is littered with slow wee midgets and thats a real shame. You can’t fault Nicky Low for work ethic but he’s not a professional athelete IMO. The game has moved on leaps and bounds in the last 20 years and we’re way behind the curve. If you take any EPL/Championship side and any Scottish side (apart from maybe Celtic) and line them up, looking at them objectively, what do you think the differences would be aside from skill? They’re all 6+ and fast as f**k. You can teach any wee dafty to kick a ball (to a level) but you can’t teach someone to be a big 6ft4 b*****d. One example I’d give at our level is Hamilton. The times they’ve pumped us over the last two seasons, they’ve outpaced and outfought us. Big strong laddies that pushed us off the ball. Are they better footballers? No, they’re fucking shite at football (and Dougie Imrie is about as appealing as a night out with thon ISIS c***s) but they have been bigger, stronger and fitter than us. Add in a bit of quality and thats enough imo. Look at Caulker. Played at a top level, hasn’t done in years, comes in and immediately looks like a specimen next to his skinny wee team-mates. Harsh but true. Thank you.
  21. I really like Dundee Football Club. Thank you.
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