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The Left Wing

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Posts posted by The Left Wing

  1. T_S_A_R - chickens don't have to cross roads! legally, a road doesn't have to be crossed by chickens.

    Captain Sensible - The chicken was never allowed to cross the road. :rolleyes:

    Why? Simple; it's all the Old Firms fault. They have a vested interest in not allowing chickens to cross roads because it suits their bigotted agendas.

    I can't wait for the Old Firm to die, so that the sectarian agenda set by Rangers and their bigoted brothers Celtic leaves poultry free to cross whatever roads they please and the whole world will be a far better place! :D

    That tickled me. The Captain to a T.

  2. I'm hoping The Left Wing will update us on Celtic's position after today's little news story.

    Ha,i see what you did there.

    I'll ignore the slight sarcasm,as there is a relevent point there.

    We won't have a scheduled CSA meetin until maybe a month, six weeks into a new season.

    However, the GB Were also given answers on Celtics position and this was enough to urge their members to buy season books. I don't think a u-turn would help what is already a fractious relationship between the club & the GB.

    Athough i wasn't the one that said "played a blinder", i was happy we never said anything and just to wait on the vote. Maybe we should get some clarity from the club,but if this new set-up is just piss and wind, i'm happy with original position.

  3. I keep reading on P&B ( i have read every post in this thread) that a CVA will not/cannot get pushed through and there seems to be various plausible theories for this.

    However, this is the ONLY place i find this point of view. Every paper or other media, every person i see interviewed, tells me the opposite.

    I know what i would like to happen but i'm starting to think it will be a CVA, not enough evidence of double contracts, practically debt free Rainjurs in the SPL.

    Sadly, nothing to see here, move along.

  4. Out of sheer interest (and nosiness) , have you renewed yet? Ie, does the current/currant *delete as appropriate* situation make any difference to you and renewal?

    I have had my form in, but it's an automatic renewal that we cancel if we dont want it.

    I could still cancel my direct debit, money doesn't come off until 22nd.

    I honestly dont know what to do. I enjoy my footie & on a Saturday when we don't have a game, i still find a match to go to, at Dumbarton, Pollok, or like today, a juvenile cup final. Anywhere i fancy.

    But i want to watch my own team & this whole charade leaves a bad taste.

    My brothers and my dad are ordinary decent fans, not bigots, but they support Rangers. My eldest brother is disgusted by the actions of his club and will not be back, my other brother might be the same. Can we afford to lose good footy fans in this country?

    I dont believe we can.

    That doesn't mean i won't be happy to see tax frauds & sporting cheats brought to book & hopefully buried.

  5. He doesn't have the dignity. He'll vote yes. Celtic even hint at it in their season ticket begging letters.

    Celtic fans will get over it. Even if a newco is formed, they'll be fighting relegation. Liewell will vote yes.

    You sir, are deluded.

    No hint at anything of the sort in my season ticket letter. If anything we have been drip fed the opposite sentiment.

    If there actually is a vote & Cetic vote yes, they wont escape the wrath of our own fans.

    If Celtic vote no and it's an overall yes, then diddy clubs will say that we had an easy vote because we knew which way it would go.

    This is complete nonsense of course, but will be trotted out by the diddy alliance to deflect from other clubs cowardice.

    As for Peter Lawwell (the best executive we have ever had), he is simply an employee. Unlike other clubs, whose chairmen are the owners, an it is they who attend meetings and vote, Lawwell will have to vote the way his employer instruct him.

    I still get the impression, with bits and pieces we get from within the club, we are looking most likely to vote NO!!

  6. I follow a few Celtic fan sites and the only public utterances that have emanated from the club on this topic (and they have been conspicuous by their brevity) is that they are not dependent on any other club for their own well-being. I'd love to know how it is then that you are privy to these secret machinations behind the scenes. Is the conception of this not a means of fixing the world to a very rigid view of the OF being incestuous sisters, cheeks of the same arse etc ? If you allow such a rigid principle to dictate your thinking, then it is hardly surprising that your view of the world becomes skewed.

    I should add that it's also very difficult to be "right at the forefront of the campaign" and yet also secretly direct matters behind the scenes too !

    The only vocal support for Newco to be treated leniently has come from non-Celtic sources, and one from a chairman who's publicly boasted about putting Celtic into a corner. He wouldn't have said that if Celtic held the balance of power. Indeed, the re-admittance of Newco is something that is beyond Celtic's powers to control.

    On another matter. Given that we all agree that Rangers have cheated every other SPL club over the last decard or so, both in football and financial terms, in monetary terms, by far the biggest losers were Celtic FC. Now Peter Lawwell will have made his own study of just how much this has potentially lost the club, but I don't think 30million would be anything other than a conservative estimate. Therefore, in his situation why on earth would he want to go on easy on Newco ?

    As regards the meeting with Charles Green, well he is not actually the owner of Rangers yet. He is a preferred bidder and most likely it is Green that has requested the meeting with Lawwell. After all, he is the party that has most to gain out of it. And there is no reason for Lawwell not to attend.

    Well put. Blaming Celtic ( and Lawwell in particular) is just the easy option, but not with any idea or evidence of Celtic's stance yet.

  7. 1337809117[/url]' post='6266616']

    I wanted to see the actual evidence itself. It wasn't shown. What was shown and disclosed was nothing more than what is already in the public domain.

    I do believe the evidence is there however and I do believe that the end is nigh for the Old Firm and all the grubby bigots and gloryhunters who live off them.

    You,sir, compound my worry that my young son is leaning toward supporting St Mirren.I only know two fans of that club and thay are complete cocks, but you seem to actually believe the crap you troll with. You are the worst kind of small minded, small team bigot. Same old tired arguments and shoddy generalisations.

    Troll on!

  8. Your club doesn't lose out in the slightest because of these matches though - the home sides are the ones who lose income through having games on TV and awkward kickoff times.

    in this case, i couldn't give a toss even if my club did lose out.

    I am only interested in the fans that have said time and time again, we dont want these crap kick off times, Give us back Saturday football and fook the tv money.

  9. If Celtic's board stays silent all the way through the process and casts no votes only when it's clear the measures to allow them back in are going to pass anyway based on votes from smaller clubs making understandable (even if wrong both morally and quite possibly financially) short term decisions, I really hope my fellow Celtic supporters aren't fooled and accept that Celtics board deserves just as much blame as those who voted yes despite the meaningless gesture of a no vote.

    I can understand keeping away from public media to avoid further ratcheting up the hatred from Bears, but if Celtic isn't conveying clearly through channels to the other clubs how they intend to vote and that they will be there to take the flak for a no vote then they will be putting potential diddy resistors in an impossible position.

    If Celtic acts as I believe the overwhelming majority of its supporters wish, they'll be offering assurances of a more equitable split of TV money in the near future as a sweetener to potential no votes.

    Here's hoping.

    There is no possible way of knowing how this vote would work. Would it be a secret ballot, would Celtic vote first, last, or somewhere in the middle? we just dont know.

    I hope (actually, i think) Celtic will vote NO. For other clubs to say that we only voted no because we knew enough would vote a newco straight back in, is just bollocks.

    That is just an easy, smallminded arguement that smaller clubs will trot out to save face. If i am wrong and we have a transparent vote and Celtic vote YES, i will be pretty angry myself, but if we do the right thing ,then to question why we have done the right thing would be stupid.

    As for the split on tv money that you mention, of course an even split is fair. That's just as long as every other club plays the same amount of games at shitty kick off times every other Sunday.

    Christ, i would gladly give up all the tv money just to play all our games at 3 o'clock on a Saturday.


  10. You seem to misunderstand.

    Its the diddy clubs who don't need Rangers.

    Celtic most certainly do.

    Without Rangers your club faces a long slow death. Your club's success depends on exploiting sectarianism. Without Rangers there is no sectarianism. Without sectarianism there is no Celtic.

    The end is nigh. ;)

    Same old pish,Captain.

    If it wasn't tired & boring, it might be slightly amusing.

    Just slighty,mind.

  11. Celtic will vote against.

    NOT for any reasons of sporting integrity, but simply because Lawwell knows that the lie of the land is almost certainly going to be a large vote in favour from the other clubs, meaning Celtic can vote against, thereby looking like heroes to their fans, when in reality it's the last thing they would want.

    However, I suspect if you hear one or two other chairman coming out and suggesting they might vote against, you'll probably find Lawwell shuts the f**k up for a while and plays it very cagily.

    And therein lies the 'Diddy Clause'. Where all the diddy teams say Celtic voted NO because they knew everyone else would vote yes, thereby appeasing Celtic fans.

    If you do the right thing, do your reasons matter?

    As for Mr Lawwell's vote, he is simply an employee and frontperson for the board. He will do as he is instructed.

  12. Disagree with that. Celtic should qualify for Champions League groups and should finish 3rd and get into Europa league knockouts and from there anything can happen depending on the draw. It doesn't look like Celtic will need to overextend themselves in the league next year so European progress will be the real litmus test for Lennon (that and the League Cup, obviously)

    Can't agree with the latter part of this. You are not allowing for the fact we have a clueless manager and for the most part, a pretty shit team & we wil not spend to improve if we are winning the league easily.

  13. The same Mark Dingwall 'That wouldn't share oxygen with the discredited journalist'...Well that is what he said right up until STV,quite rightly, told him No Speirs then no show. That media whore quickly forgot his principals then!!

    He was on Follow Follow just the other day as The Blue Knights Spokesman and said he would give any straight question a straight answer. I was 1 of the first to ask the obvious questions...Where was the money? If there was money where was it coming from? Exactly how much cash was there..I waited for 14 pages and still , after being asked repeatedly, he would not give an answer. He did ban a few posters for questioning him. :rolleyes:

    The thought this fat twat could end up on the Rangers board fills me with dread..Given a choice between No Rangers and Mark Dingwalls Rangers i would have to toss a coin

    Well said!

    I can assure you, this guy is a really odious human being. It's a scary thought that he could gain any position that could attract a following.

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