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Everything posted by Caballero

  1. What a picture...fantastic night! Smallest EVER away support in a Dundee Derby ana!
  2. Gman doing nothing wrong. Ludo (again) being the aggressive cock, don't think he can help it.
  3. Head has completely gone. Get it together for tomorrow, schools are back!
  4. The response of a child, well done! Any sensible suggestions?
  5. I've never taken anything Harry says seriously. Gives you in depth alleged knowledge about lower league players etc. How would he know, Dundee play at the same time as these teams. Whopper IMO
  6. Our board lack any kind of decent football knowledge. I expect Nelms to bring in some American baseball coach
  7. I think Wasp is nearly accurate, id give him St Js and Partick.
  8. I have heard he isn't happy with a few things. Phuck knows why, he has been given basically everything he has asked for. When we got promoted, he binned a good few players as they had taken us as far as they could, maybe its time for the board to say the same. Just for the record, I'm extremely grateful for what Hartley has done for the club, but nothing lasts forever,
  9. Surely you didn't think that was a genuine shout Ludo
  10. I think Hartleys win percentage has to be questioned Dee Man. Of the four teams you mentioned above, we have failed to beat two of those already. I would give him the next two games, no wins and thank you Mr Hartley, but time to go.
  11. Nae bather Raw. Would we better approaching Jimmy Calderwood
  12. Agree. But a deal to the end of the season for someone like Alex McCleish might suit both parties. Could put him in the shop window for a bigger job by doing well for us, and give us time to find a longer term solution. TBH, the lack of actual football knowledge in our boardroom worries me about any potential appointment.
  13. If we fail to win any of our next two games, I think it's time for change!
  14. If the board are cutting costs, just come out and say so! Although, they did say we didn't need to sell any players, that worked out well! If selling Stewart and Hemmings were to cover losses, then we aren't doing very well. All this talk of shiny new stadiums is all very well, but put a team on the park first and foremost please
  15. Remember you sheep slated the boy for signing for Bournemouth. Mega lolz by Fraser I think
  16. I would like to think there is something in there for Scotland cap, which is bound to be on its way!
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