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Lyle Lanley

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Everything posted by Lyle Lanley

  1. Hibs have gone with Johnson as he was deemed to be less “risky” than JDT.
  2. Good luck to the lad. Leaves with my best wishes. Who will announce a new manager first. Us or Dundee?
  3. They’ve extended the seat deadline from tomorrow to the 31st. Maybe they are extending it so we break record numbers if we appoint JDT.
  4. JDT or I’m cancelling my season ticket renewal.
  5. You will be missed lads. Hopefully you will cinch it next season.
  6. Playing Sunshine on Leith to celebrate finishing 8th.
  7. I just live up the road from there so this would be perfect.
  8. If Ukraine can’t host it next year would it be held in the UK?
  9. Absolutely hope we pump them in the semi.
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