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Alert Mongoose

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Alert Mongoose last won the day on June 20

Alert Mongoose had the most liked content!


8,750 Excellent

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  • Location
    Mongoose Manor
  • My Team
    Dundee Utd

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  1. Keep thinking of that tremendous moment from lockdown in the normal island thread
  2. Is the work being done to, how shall I put this, replace infererior concrete usage previously?
  3. The mysterious backer behind the front company is going to be Scot Gardiner, isn't it? He is going to take revenge...
  4. Because of new cars (maybe just mine?) I'd forgotten you used to be able to start a car without putting the clutch in.
  5. Two I remember my dad having when I was a bairn. The jobby brown Marina was a belter.
  6. I might be outing my lack of knowledge about the current music scene but, in terms of mainstream, Glasvegas seemed to be everywhere then disappeared.
  7. Should have just walked underneath the electric wheelchair imo. Clearance would have been ok.
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