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  1. As I explained to Mrs a-p mkII at the time of the purchase, it’s a far less painful and far more cost effective solution for us all than me instead deciding to embark on an affair with my secretary. Like I say, best all round for everyone. The only thing being harmed is my own dignity. And I can cope with that.
  2. I’ve often wondered about those doggy portholes - does it get used much? (By the dog..)
  3. ‘Mon boys, you’re stinking the place out here. Away to the Sellik thread eh?
  4. @johnnydun required in the Russell Brand thread please…
  5. At the end of last summer I was coming home on the M74 on a sunny Friday afternoon, everyone too close, driving too fast. Usual Friday pm impatient nonsense. Looked in my mirror to get across to the M73 and here’s some young lad on his phone about to drive into my OSR quarter. Blast of the horn and I went for lane 1 sharpish. The boy was that busy apologising to me as he drove past that he didn’t see the two cars 25 yds ahead have some sort of coming together (I didn’t see how), one rolled over and he ploughed into it at 60mph with no attempt to brake. Chaos ensues and I’ve now duked onto the hard shoulder to keep out of the way. Ordinarily it wouldn’t have been a near death experience for me if I’d been in my usual car. But because it was a sunny summers day I had the convertible. A 60mph pile up in the lane right next to you is a bit of bum skweeker at the best of times but that day it was made much much worse by being in an open car and having the bits of wing mirror and shards of wheel trim come right through the cabin fizzing past my temple.
  6. Similarly, no refund required. But maybe go sit in a bath of baked beans for 24 hours as a suitable substitute challenge?
  7. Years ago I saw a very insightful interview with Gerrard talking about Tav, the basic gist being that when SG arrived Tav seemed to be of a mindset that beating his man was the required benchmark. SG (he says) disabused him of that notion and that the benchmark should really be that he beat his performance from the last time out. Age/experience certainly play a part but I think it no coincidence that we saw the best of him through that period.
  8. Reckon our transfer policy’s gone too woke. We did better when the laddies got locked in the cupboard with Sir Walter and got a damn good hiding. Only the fit survived.
  9. I loved my big lazy 6 and 8 cylinder diesels. Now on a petrol plug in hybrid and, while it says it’s getting 55mpg, it’s just not the same. Some things aren’t all about the pounds n pennies.
  10. Aye, I'm on a buy-and-forget mission and hope (pah!!) it'll all work out in the long run. No point selling the losers just to crystallise a loss nor seems it a clever idea to be taking profit from my better picks only to invest the money elsewhere. If it all runs to plan (pah!!) I'm looking at 20+ years of accumulation before I need to start thinking about liquidating things.
  11. Hope you all had a great summer, think it’s all over now…
  12. VAR doing their best to make sure the remaining three games of the season remain relevant for Sky.
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