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paranoid android

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    Heart of Midlothian

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  1. Don't know about the worst thing, but I do remember posting the following: "Nae offence, but your daughter sounds like an absolute c**t."
  2. Ken what I'd quite like? Some decent players. And a decent manager. And a personality.
  3. Have to say I was expecting an announcement today - maybe negotiating - or maybe even thinking about keeping him on. Wanted it to work, obviously, but I just don't see him turning this around. Naismith may well have had potential to be a decent coach/manager, but he may never get another shot - things had got so bad, that that's on him. I would go as far as to say that Naismith has made a bit of a c**t of himself, and that's my f**king job. Minge
  4. The song Psycho Killer is bang average. Talking Heads have far better tunes.
  5. Deserved win for McGlynn's bairns. Hertz fans losing patience with the baldy nasal one.
  6. A deserved win for dundee, obviously. Poor goals conceded by the Hertz. Naismith is probably right to say that there wasn't enough energy in our performance, and that we lost all the one-to-ones, second balls, etc., but it would be better if he admitted setting us up wrong.
  7. Keyboards and guitar (even worse on guitar) - the tunes are written by the singer/guitarist.
  8. Gig in Glesgae the morra night: Kyoshi Station + Trade + Bellcappa | Facebook Free entry. matron!
  9. I was there anaw - they sounded great, and not even that loud. Absolutely f**king roasting hot.
  10. Surprised that no-one has mentioned Chrissie Hynde so far - The Pretenders were brilliant. She was married to Jim Kerr, mind...
  11. Solid wee player - mainly a grafter, but he can play a bit as well. Edit for a wee bit of background: Neilson was releasing Denholm, but Naismith decided to keep him on. Did well for us last season when called on.
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