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Lyle Lanley

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Everything posted by Lyle Lanley

  1. Still is a disgrace Edinburgh doesn’t have a arena like the Hydro.
  2. Would happily pay to watch Eurovision every year if he is the presenter.
  3. If the board don’t pick JDT here then expect the backlash from the support.
  4. Grace Kelly is one of the best songs in the last 20 years.
  5. This song is better than anything that’s been in the charts in the last decade.
  6. Worse than last night’s game.
  7. Rocky is the worst defender I've seen in a long time and Scott is possibly the worse striker we've had since Rowan Vine. If the club think signing these players on permanent deals will get fans to buy season tickets then they are out of touch.
  8. That happens and they can fucking shove their season ticket.
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