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Lyle Lanley

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Everything posted by Lyle Lanley

  1. Good to see Wimpy is open until 7pm tomorrow.
  2. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-68542255 The Scottish FA has asked Hibernian to present its views on unacceptable fan behaviour to a committee that looks at rule changes within football. SFA should be ashamed of theirselves. This has been going on for decades.
  3. Alan Power last minute winner and Morton fans invade the pitch.
  4. https://www.followfollow.com/forum/threads/hibs-statement-reducing-away-allocation.267474/ The seething has already started
  5. Hopefully we’ll give Rangers no tickets going forward.
  6. "The officials had a bit of a bad day today, but everybody can have a bad day." Monty can get to f**k for that alone.
  7. Time for Hibs to cut their allocation. They really are scum. Hope you’re alright mate.
  8. Wonder if Celtic fans will riot if Livi go on to win this?
  9. If that fan doesn’t get a half time appearance tomorrow then this entire club can leave.
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