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Lyle Lanley

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Everything posted by Lyle Lanley

  1. Wales to lift all restrictions by 7th of August except for mask wearing.
  2. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-57829591 Masks until Christmas says Swinney.
  3. That weirdo Jason Leitch by any chance? Getting into the ground tonight was fine. Just showed your ticket and in you go. No checking your temperature or asking if you have any symptoms or have had Covid in the past. Once in my seat there was others in my section not wearing them so off my mask went and no queuing system in place going to the toilets. Fantastic stuff. Good result too. Hopefully both our clubs can have more fans in for our European campaign’s in the coming weeks.
  4. Does this result mean we can replace Arsenal in the super league.
  5. Hardly anyone here at Easter Road is wearing their masks and the stewards aren’t bothered either.
  6. How good does it feel to be back in a stadium.
  7. Hardly see anyone wearing them on public transport these days.
  8. Edinburgh Council are far worse. They are more interested in building student apartments in every empty building possible.
  9. She will lose my vote if the 9th of August gets delayed.
  10. Yip and 2hrs slots and pre booking scrapped. Spontaneous pub visits back. Looking forward to sitting in a pub all night again.
  11. You did indeed and no pre booking required.
  12. If this was until every adult gets their 2nd dose then I agree. Anything after that they can bolt.
  13. Mandatory wearing of face coverings likely required for some time to come.
  14. Making it up as they go along. I'll save my tear stained seething post until what modified bits will be announced.
  15. BBC Scotland reporting all councils will move to a "modified level 0" from next Monday.
  16. We need a separate thread for all the reaction clips.
  17. The SG update tomorrow will be confirmation of 19th move to L0, 9 August move will be confirmed the week before then. For some reason i thought both announcements would be tomorrow.
  18. No shouting, singing or any celebrations as it may increase the transmission of Covid. Oh f**k off.
  19. Tomorrow's update will confirm if the 9th of August will happen.
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