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Lyle Lanley

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Everything posted by Lyle Lanley

  1. You really have to congratulate the ****, not content with making a mess of their own bigot filled cess pit of a club, they have now managed to take the rest of Scottish football with them. Im aware our own clubs seem to be assuming the position but i absolutely hate you, bunch of buckie drinking, fake gold wearing, thinking shell suits are a fashion statement, sport socks two for a pound selling, whiney nasal talking, watch your car mister saying, no toothed, scurvy ridden, wearing a cap on the peak of your head, chippy every night for your tea, work shy, benefit cheating, bassas
  2. No to newco demo at Hampden on Saturday at 2pm organized by various supporters clubs
  3. Enjoy your trips to Glasgow St. Pauli in the Glasgow and District Sunday Football Championship
  4. If the Newco end up playing in the 1st division this season. Any Hibs fan want a free Season Ticket?
  5. f**k off SFA. Once again changing the rules to allow to get the newco. SFA are bunch of corrupt wankers. A big FU to the SFA
  6. Rangers team list at present: Allan McGonner Tata Papac Free Wallace Dorin Gone Adios Bocanegra Steven Whitcontract Release McCabe Gone Aluko Leave Davis Steven Naicontract Solong Kerkhar Jamie Less
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