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Posts posted by magee84

  1. I said much the same a few pages back. The SFA need to look at themselves, who governs them.

    They say enquiries re Whyte were ignored and they couldn't gather info. That in itself was enough to at least delay the take over. Why did they allow it? Rank amateurism or collusion in the master plan?

    The SFA heirarchy calling whyte 'unfit for football' purposes is like robert mugabe calling gadaffi a opressive zealot b*****d.....correct though they may be rhe SFA are a shambolic organisation.

    What did their 'fit and proper persons' check entail?

    Show us your bank statement......

    Someone with the business brain and no nonsense clout in the mould of fergus mcann or alan sugar is needed at the top level in scottish football..

    Ps morning captain....i notice you havent been following me around for a few days.....are you seeing someone else????

  2. Watched 'inglorious basterds' again last night....fucking fantastic........

    Brad pitt is awesome in it as is micheal fassbender as the secret agent..

    "theres a special rung in hell for those who waste good scotch.....and thats damn good scotch"

    Christopher Waltz steals the show though as Hans Landa the jew hunter.......' a glass of milk please..' even thats said in a creepy frightening manner.

  3. The constant mentions of child abuse are very disturbing. It seems to be a running theme throughout every one of these Rangers Media threads that have been posted. There appears to be a hefty percentage of Rangers fans who think that paedophillia is something to have a laugh about

    not just rangers fans to be fair . you see it even on p&b a fair bit, sad bitter twistes spiteful.wee men who think the fact a peadophile abused boys at celtic bc in the 1970s or theres been incidents of it in the catholic church, they actually revel in that.. its great to use to have a go at celtic/catholics..

    I remember when the jim torbett story broke a guy at my work rubbing his hands that morning declaring it as 'one od the best days of my life' sadly this country is full of scum like that.

  4. The Daily Mail must have its story wrong. I'm sure that when the Ticketus deal became public Craig Whyte said that the cash would be used to develop the team and that none of it had been used for the purposes of debt reduction. Surely a writ will be issued in the next few days and the Mail can join the BBC in the dock.They'd be off the visitor list at Ibrox if Whyte were still around the place.

    No succulent lamb or vintage claret for the bbc boys...

  5. I know of a least 5 rangers buses from the city centre who are knocking tickets back for utd and that's just been in a couple of days,and it was planned before that c**t went to the rags

    Here's hoping More rsc do the same and he gets nothing

    Quite fucking right as well, that cnut thompson, imagine wanting to ensure dundee utd get the money for the tickets they sell for their ground.... its not as if they are owed money from rangers for the cup game or anything.

    Cheeky fucker, doesnt he know after all that they are the peepul innat eh.....

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