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Everything posted by Tibbermoresaint

  1. This from a man who obsesses about Geoff Brown, Steve Brown, Bruce McDiarmid, Muirton Park and McDiarmid Park morning, noon and night. You make me smile, chap.
  2. You're saying no stadium has ever been demolished and replaced by something else?
  3. Surely you would have the same work permit issues they had?
  4. If by "incontrovertible fact" you mean complete nonsense then I fully agree.
  5. William Crozier's cubist take on Edinburgh makes it look Mediterranean.
  6. Charming. Why are all wee team fans so defensive and abusive? £20m for a new ground. Around £1m interest charges on the loan per annum. How much rent will you be paying?
  7. I don't see anything in here about providing valuations for the purpose of preparing financial statements: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/valuation-office-agency/about
  8. I'm not sure they get involved in valuations other than for tax purposes.
  9. Apology accepted. PwC would suggest excluding the items from the balance sheet on the basis it's impossible to come to a valuation.
  10. Tricky one. I'd probably go with whatever PwC suggest.
  11. You can't even grasp that someone called Aufc probably doesn't support Saints. The thought of you discussing complex ideas is laughable.
  12. Rather more safe and secure than your wee club. Perhaps you should spend more time worrying about that than demonstrating time and time again that you're as thick as shit.
  13. It's you and your chums who are alleging they're taking the money from the ground out of the club and/or hiding it in the club.
  14. Have a shufti at the Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act. It isn't exactly a page-turner I'm afraid.
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