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Posts posted by an86

  1. 57 minutes ago, Zanetti said:

    Also worth noting that 250k is slightly less than the prize difference between finishing 3rd and 8th in the Championship last season. A player of Paton's calibre is worth more than just what you can sell him for (unless he's just absolutely desperate to leave, which would surprise me).

    If there’s interest from England, I think most would want to go. It’s a short career and a good season could see him go up another level. The money down there, even if he only made it to League One, is very, very decent. 

  2. Was always going to go up. On the face of it, some of it looks steep but you also have to make the numbers work as well, which isn’t an easy task. We’re in a profit making game now.

    Would hope that the community stuff might sweep up a lot of the affordability issues, but it’s a tough one to get the mix absolutely right. Will probably be a number of seasons before we can really pin down what does and doesn’t work. 

  3. 2 hours ago, CathcartSkins said:


    To have access to the best young players and stand a chance of holding them - being full-time is necessary.

    Being part-time ran the risk of falling out off league 2.

    There is so much competition, and well organised clubs just below L2, we would have dropped like a stone.

    There is a lot I am disappointed with, the Lesser mis-development being prime; however, we start this season in a better place than if we were part-time for the previous four seasons. 

    Relinquishing amateur status was absolutely necessary. I think what everyone had in mind and, indeed, would have settled for would have been trying to be one of the best part-time teams in the country. I don’t think there’s any reason why we couldn’t have been a successful part-time side.

    Full-time football wasn’t on the radar when we voted to go pro. It’s been a rollercoaster and I’m glad we did it, but I don’t think it was absolutely essential to our league survival. 

  4. 27 minutes ago, CTQP1867 said:

    Unfortunately we'll never see anything like £2.5 million in gate receipts - the SFA will make sure they take most of the gate money in such a scenario....unless WH has leverage with the SFA ........

    Depends on the deal, aye. You’d imagine it would have to be seven figure, but also profitable for us, which would mean the rent would have to be substantial. If we were relegated, the renegotiation might also become difficult if we were in a position of weakness. You use all of the leverage you have in these situations. 

    I think the SFA are happy with this currently being low key. The fact that it looks dodgy, whether it is or isn’t, would have to be weighed against the benefits, when more people started to notice it. Perception is almost as important as reality. What’s really in it for them? Do they *need* Lesser Hampden? No. Do we need a stadium? Yes. There’s trouble coming down the road.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Cyclops van Gogh 1867 said:

    I am as disappointed as any other Q.P. fan with the ' in limbo ' situation at Lesser. So far as looking towards the top flight is concerned, if we ever get there, the prospect of playing the Old Firm in a packed Hampden would be a real game changer for our club's financial viability.

    The revenue that would create could then be used to upgrade the 'City Stadium' and/or the squad.

    I don't really get why you reckon this wouldn't fly. If I am reading between the lines correctly, it might be the case that it suits the SFA to allow the 'status quo' to continue, after all, they are getting something out of this too. 

    We’re currently getting away with it because it’s not skewing the hugely in our favour. Say we go up and have three home games against the OF, it could equate to as much as £2.5million in gate receipts. Maybe more. That would give us a substantial sporting advantage over every other team around us. The cause of that advantage will have been our inability to build a stadium properly. The question, quite legitimately, will be why should we be benefitting from our own incompetence and should the national association be an accessory to that? 

    People will argue about us being shafted out of Hampden. True, to a point. However, it was ultimately our naivety that brought us to the position that allowed us to be shafted. This problem is almost guaranteed to become a crisis again. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Dooflick said:

    What makes you think that we are paying rent to play at Hampden/ the deal is we let the SFA use Lesser for the Scottish team to train there before games at Hampden and we play our home games at Hampden in return from September onwards.

    Led to believe that the Championship away supports at Hampden are where the benefit comes in. Haven’t heard any figures, but believe we are paying them. Let’s be honest, we’re getting far more benefit from this than they are. None of it is viable in the long term, though. We’ve kicked the can down the road and people who had little involvement in creating the situation will be left to navigate a way out of it. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, charliewheelen said:

    I love to ask about the managers in every interview. I knew he always thought very highly of Robin, some things aren’t meant to be. Could’ve spoken to him all night, great guy. Glad you enjoyed it mate, that’s all that matters!

    Can only repeat what others have said. Really enjoyed that. Dom feels like one of those players who has been here a lot longer than he actually has been, given how eventful a time it’s been. 

  8. 1 minute ago, Arab_R_us said:

    its about as interesting as Queens Park against Forfar tbh. Actually if done right it would be more interesting, if i was watching some young exciting upcoming Scottish players play nice football and not just Hoof it.

    Ah. You’re just at it. Fair enough. 

  9. 1 minute ago, Arab_R_us said:

    The hysteria that goes on in here about the colts is hilarious

    Can you imagine a world in which you’d have to pretend a cup final against Celtic or Rangers reserves was a proper cup final? A real game of football? One set of supporters caring. The others treating it as a development exercise. It’s an embarrassment. 

  10. Only people with no feel for the game would expect supporters to treat games against reserve teams as competitive. It’s a complete indignity to ask a first team at any level to play someone else’s reserves in anything other than a friendly or regional kick about contest. 

  11. 20 minutes ago, Grumpy Soo-sider said:

    Continuing with the "big hoops" for next season. I still don't like the strip but can't argue with the keeping costs down argument.

    I hope the new away strip is a cracker!



    Adidas don’t currently have a template suitable for an actual Queen’s Park shirt and going bespoke with them = £££. Whilst it’s a nice idea that it’s being done out of the kindness of our hearts, I’m not sure it stands up to scrutiny. If we had the option of changing one of the two kits from last season, anyone associated the club would pick the home. We don’t have that option. 

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