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Posts posted by Torfason

  1. 2 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Players can sign for other clubs any time they want, they just can't be registered until the transfer window opens.

    I'm really struggling to understand why a St Mirren fan is having a minor headloss about Balmer to Motherwell not being announced yet though.

    If you would like to be a pedant……………Contract law doesn’t permit a player to be permanently employed by 2 clubs at the same time, loan deals are structured differently. While they can sign the contract it has to be post dated, so by definition it means nothing until it becomes ‘in effect’.

    You do raise a valid point though, I’m struggling to understand why a St Johnstone fan requires to understand why a St Mirren fan has a question on a Motherwell signing 😉

  2. I can’t believe Sunderland are considering Robbo, when Jack left they were a team desperate for promotion back to the Championship and he was a stepping stone however now they are building to get to the Premier League. 

    This is not a slight on one of our best managers in the last 40 years but this is lazy journalism at its best.

    If Robbo goes to Sunderland, I will eat all the spare EJJ hats in Paisley 

  3. 9 hours ago, Div said:

    Wouldn't have thought so. He was very popular obviously and whilst it would be a bit disappointing to see him move to another Premiership club I'm not massively sure he'll be awash with brilliant options.

    He's a very good player, but as has been said, he's got real issues with fitness and by that I don't mean just with picking up niggling injuries.

    Has an interesting approach to training by all accounts!

    Not sure if Utd are in for him or not, but Dundee have definitely made him an offer.

    What was the issue? Lack of application, lack of stamina?

  4. 36 minutes ago, AW saint said:

    At the end of the day we qualified for europe with Zach in goals. Most fans think he did a good job and if he returned no one would have been really disappointed. 

    I don't think he deserves the negative comments. 

    We have a new keeper. I for one thank Zach for his efforts and he was a top guy too. 


    Better than Les Fridge but not as good as Campbell Money 👍🏻

  5. 6 hours ago, NorthBank said:

    According to Salary Sport Baccus was on 2k per week with us. Highest paid player with Mansfield is on 5k per week.

    Edit to add: and Baccus has repeatedly said he wanted to play in England (as recent as last week) so doubt he would have signed for any other Scottish club.

    Loved his interview, none of the nonsense about always wanting to play for Mansfield. Just straight out this is a stepping stone to the EPL. 😂


  6. 1 minute ago, STFU_Donny said:

    St Mirren must be pretty close. Hearts definitely have a chip on their shoulder though. You even hear it with c***s like Preston on the radio. The fact they’ll never achieve what Aberdeen did cuts deep to their core.

    I'll see that and raise you Dundee. 

    Thank you. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Hendo said:

    I remember he absolutely ripped us apart playing for Motherwell a few years ago. No idea whats happened but he looks a shadow of that player.

    I honestly think the lads confidence is shot to pieces but I genuinely believe with a good preseason and our Management's support, he will get back to his Motherwell days.

    Shankland is a great example of a player who lost his way but never lost his talent.

  8. 24 minutes ago, AW saint said:

    Each player you mentioned I could at least see a player. Scott on the other hand I struggle to see him making it. Bookmark this and show me if I turn out to be wrong. I hope I am and you are free to gloat. 

    I don't know who wrote Taylor off???

    As for Mandron I like him but boy do I wish he could win a ball in the air. 

    The lad is only 23 and already has a £1.5M move in his career. He has struggled with injuries and lost confidence but to say the boy is not a player is ridiculous. 

  9. 24 minutes ago, Norrie82 said:

    What about Gogic- unbelievable how good he’s been these past few games. To think some on here a fortnight ago said they’d not be bothered if we offered Gogic a better deal or not. We will offer him our top wage of that I’m sure and whilst it won’t come close he deserves to make a few bob . Our team has been built around him and he will be a huge loss. 




    I don't recall anyone saying that. 

    I do recall people saying we have a wage structure and while he deserves to be at the top, we cannot go significantly outside it.

    This type of straw man argument is very B&WA.

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