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black sapper

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Posts posted by black sapper

  1. http://forum.followfollow.com/

    Rangers Media is just a diet version of Follow Follow. This is where all the "intelligent" Rangers fans post. You can't view it unless you register which conveniently hides the bigotry from the outside world. However registering only takes a couple of minutes and a world of hilarity awaits.

    Careful though, there are some very unpleasant people over there.

    Lurking can be just as much fun as posting - they don't really need anyone else to wind them up, they're quite capable of doing it themselves....

  2. i think we should all try and have a go at infiltrating RM, we could try the old divide and conquer tactic, play them off against each other. "here BillyBear i heard that Loyalist1690 is going about saying he's pumped yur bird". and "here lads a seen Redhand Rab oan Sunday comin oot the pope shoap, he's wan o' them" that sort of thing

    That could work you know, as long as user names are only passed on by PM.

    I joined a while ago because there was talk of banning new members since they would all be 'tarriers'.

    The problem is I haven't been able to post anything - just can't bring myself to use the 'appropriate'language to avoid being tagged a ***** or worse. and banned.

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