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Everything posted by CambieBud

  1. This may be technically correct, but remember Rangers were ordered by The SFA/SPL to produce all documents relating to EBTs by early April. The dynamic duo ignored them. Only after the BBC documentary did The authorities then put a deadline on receipt of these. NOTHING will happen as there will be no inciminating evidence left to see.
  2. This day will go down in history as the day Scottish football died. 1. A ludicrous CVA which will be accepted by all, resulting in Rangers returning debt free in the new season 2. SFA being shown as incompetent, which will lead to the original 100K fine, which wont be paid, as they were in Administration when it was imposed. 3. SPL chairmen welcoming them back with open legs tomorrow. I hate to agree with the other shower in Glasgows East End, but their paranoia and conspiracy theories now seem to be justified. Just close the game down now. Sad sad sad
  3. Calling No8. Lets hear from a Rangers fan just exactly what you think is a suitable punishment for your club? You've made it clear that everyone here is deluded etc so tell us all what you believe is appropriate? You're not usually so quiet!
  4. Why are Rang*rs fans so in love with Kennedy? He was clearly raging in that interview with Mr Exclusive on SSN. He is a self confessed Hibee, so what is his game? He is allegedly worth 600 million but is only prepared to be involved up to about half what The American was offering. He comes across as a self publicist with absolutely no intention of buying them. But the orcs are hanging off his every word. It is now beyond farce and even the comic value is wearing off. By the way, Danny Lennon, you have dropped considerably in my estimation, if those comments are accurate.
  5. Why can't you listen to Sportsound online? Channel 4 news updating now about this whole shambles
  6. I thought the role of administrators was to look after CREDITORS, including Austria Vienna and Hearts? That rant on Radio Scotland backed by Jim Traynor about Scotland needs a strong Rangers etc was nauseating. They just don't get it. You bought players and did not pay for them.........its simple! Therefore you are banned from buying any more! The SFA must not back down! Whyte is still the owner of Rangers or am I missing the point?
  7. OK I`ll bite. My point is Rangers will be back as if nothing had ever happened by next season in one form or another. When your team was in administration, the club suffered short term pain and a reality check. They have come back stronger than before and are on the verge of the Champions League qualifiers! Rangers will come back with a slap on the wrist and start buying hoovering up talent from all of the rest of us, as usual. Last week Sky Sports claimed that they were monitoring Steve Jennings. While 134 million in debt!
  8. Am I the only one who is thoroughly bored by this whole Rangers saga? That's 2 months now and Dick and Dom have laid off no-one,and paid no-one outside the club. They have made claim after claim, all of which have turned out to be drivel( Whyte is irrelevant, out of administration in weeks, no possibility of liquidation etc, etc). They have also made deadlines, final deadlines, final final deadlines and nothing happens. Perhaps they intend staying in administration for ever. After all, why bother coming out of it if you can go on and on as if nothing is wrong and pay absolutely NOTHING, while keeping the same squad as you had before on a quarter of the salary! They even tried to sign players while in this state and have turned down bids for Naismith, which could at least have paid some of the small creditors off. Start every year on minus ten and trouser the TV money. I have stopped listening to Chic Young and the rest of them, as even their grief at the prospect of the end of their gravy train has stopped amusing me! For Gods Sake someone put them out of their misery so we can get back to talking about FOOTBALL!
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