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Posts posted by ReasonableGeezer

  1. Yes, that will be the same day that the appeal against the singing sanctions takes place.

    Followed by the double contract sanctions, the fit and proper person sanctions, the 2 set of books sanction, the bringing the game into disrepute sanctions, the too many fat supporter sanctions, the carbon footprint sanctions ( and we thought it was cutting down Brazilian rain forests that caused global warming, no it is fat Rangers fans' methane output), and sanctions for terrorising communities across Scotland and scaring the weans.

    Seriously, is there ANYTHING good we can say about them? sad.gif


  2. I've not read this before and have no great interest in RM. Parts of the thread are distasteful. To say the, "whole thread is shockingly offensive" is a wee bit dramatic. Some quips are humorous - so it certainly isn't 'the whole thread'.

    Sad, though, that a few of our support haven't moved on in a generation. David Holmes was the Chief Exec who broke 'the policy' in the 1980s. What he said was sensible:

    Edited to tidy up some typos.

    sorry I meant to say the whole forum is shockingly offensive.

  3. post number 9

    I'm not a member of RM unlike yourself. I did have a quick browse through and couldn't see a thread about "bringing back 'the policy'".

    Could you post a link?

    Edited to add: The whole thread is shockingly offensive, so really post number nine is just a small sample of the knuckle dragging scum attitude that should be eradicated from our society permanently. These pondlife totally disgust me. How does this forum manage to stay online. I thought there were laws against things like that?

  4. Because it was ok for Thierry Henry to get that goal against Eire, instead of admitting to handball,it's ok for rangers to cheat their way back into the spl. How much does a Clyde pundit earn?

    I found it both cringeworthy and hilarious that they could compare a player diving in a match to the SPL killing all traces of sporting integrity by letting whatever spawn of the devil rises from the ashes with little or no sanction.

    Then Darryl Fannybaws went on to say the new owner should say Sorry and pay the football debts and then they can all move on. What a load of unadulterated bawsackery. The whole thing that really gets my back up throughout this episode is how irrelevant the media and the majority of Rangers sympathists are treating the general "diddy" support. They keep going on about how they wont forget. Neither will we - ever. Hurry up and Die Rankgers. We ALL hate you - and YOU DO CARE!!

  5. I think that HMRC will issue a winding up order in the next couple of weeks. They cant surely be sitting back and thinking that Duff and Duffer are working sensibly and for the benefit of creditors first, company second. Why havent they been hauled up over this complete incompetence?

    Im about 99% that there wont be a Rankgers next season (or any other season). Why on earth would anyone buy a business that is hemorrhaging money and so Toxic that its going to take a lot of written off millions from the buyer, just to keep it from sinking while the sale process is carried out?

    So many questions, So many lies, misconceptions and deluded Rankgers fans,pundits and "news"papers.

  6. Thommos latest blog.

    Well – we should all know more than enough to be wary – very wary – of Duff and Phelps the administrators of Rangers FC being optimistic. It’s their pathology. In D&P world the cup’s not so such half full as flowing into a series of overflow-vats.


    Some reality here. Check what Mr Whitehouse of D&P is saying in the “small print”.

    Even he suggests at least one of the four “bids” is a rank outsider. He admits no credible, detailed rescue package is yet really on the table at all. A lot of guff about hope, credibility – nothing about cash.

    He admits all talk thus far from all “bidders” has set the money going into the rescue package at levels nowhere near enough to satisfy the key creditors. They’re saying “don’t be daft” at what’s been suggested thus far.

    Alarmingly D&P seem to think that if a Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA) is put in place as a way of rescuing Rangers by agreeing a deal with major creditors, then Rangers can play football in Europe somehow. I suggest they call UEFA urgently where I’ve talked in detail. UEFA insists a CVA is a change in legal status and means a three year ban – just like setting up a Newco: “It’s a loophole. We recognise it as a loophole and we wish to close it,” their spokesman told me late last week.

    It’s critical to any proposed income flow at Ibrox and this morning the administrators are stressing this. Yes – they need to call UEFA.

    And yes – setting up any kind of CVA rescue will take weeks – I’m reliably informed around six weeks.

    No amount of talking up the bids in terms of a couple being from people who will be popular among fans is going to untie this – nor will it put more money on the table and a lot more needs to be on it and fast.

    Ticketus – the London ticket company now one of the main creditors of Rangers and major shareholder Craig Whyte, have just told me they are not part of any current bid for Rangers.

    “We’re out of all that – and happy to sit on the sidelines,” said their spokesman.

    They’ve other fish in the fryer. Later today expect them to file a legal claim for £27m against Mr Whyte for season tickets he “bought” from them.

    They insist the money was for tickets only, not for buying the club as has been reported elsewhere.

    They expect a “long and protracted” legal case. But what if Mr Whyte should lose and does not have money like this?

    “Well we know he has a large house in the Highlands of Scotland and another in the south of France. We know he has a web of financial arrangements based in the British Virgin Islands tax haven and we’re very patient about all this,” said the PR company who represent Ticketus.


    Mr Whyte himself has indicated what the world and his dog already know well, that he cannot and will not realise anything like the £30m he was aiming to get by selling up his stake, just a few weeks ago.

    And football? The club cannot sell season tickets at all in the current complete confusion. The squad have no clear idea what money they’ll get after next month when a lot of player contracts run out. Football’s a very short career, so facing a Euro-ban and wages/contractual confusion, many will hightail it from Ibrox to other clubs leaving potentially a squad of youths, never-will-bes and have-beens. And a manager as yet unable to buy, because of a year ban on buying because the club brought the game into disrepute over financial mismanagement.

    What seems astonishing too is another D&P admission – that it’s basically being left to manager Ally McCoist to brief the players on this mess day by day. These guys need to hear from financial rather than football brains one would have thought.

  7. Alex Thomsons blog today.

    Wednesday 9 May 2012

    11:27 am

    Alex Thomson

    274Rate this

    Being in Brussels doing something completely different and thus probing Rangers part-time is less than ideal but I can now reveal something of what’s been going on and where we are now headed.

    Broadly, the Scottish Sun story is correct this morning so cap duly doffed etc – but there’s a lot more to it of course. I can reveal that the group of England-based businessmen with UK big-football club experience has, in fact, been in talks with Rangers Administrators Duff and Phelps for around a week.

    That is, all the time that D&P were staging “bogus” press statements at Ibrox and giving pitch-side interviews, they were also talking to this group at least, and possibly at least one more outside-bidder from beyond the UK.

    As Channel 4 News indicated last week, much of the whole Miller-meltdown appears now to have been little more than a very public “smoking-out” exercise to see if the Tennessee Trucker really was serious or liked what he saw at Ibrox when he looked at the books or heard the Bears growl “Yanks Out” and other welcoming noises.

    Craig Whyte is certainly serious about the Sassenach Saviours and is talking with them today and tomorrow. My information is that, unlike the Miller’s Tale (with apologies to Geoffrey Chaucer), we are now talking something more real with individuals whom it would not be helpful to name at this point.

    As one at the heart of it all said:

    “Alex – you can certainly say the next 24 to 48 hours are vital for Rangers Football Club.”

    And this time around I’d be strongly inclined to say this is more credible stuff after last weeks Caledonian-American ceilidh-of-the-absurd.

    So where’s Craigy? The majority shareholder of Rangers, Craig Whyte is talking, talking seriously I believe. And he is shifting. Not long ago he was asking whistfully for £30 million from a club you’d do well to extract 30p from, just now.

    I’d say that position’s changed or changing as we speak. He will, I know, be extremely angry at all the time this has taken and the turbulent courtship of Mr Miller will have improved nobody’s mood around these talks.

    In sum: expect an English-led deal from people with genuine football experience, minded to avoid liquidation via a CVA (which will be treated like a Newco, UEFA tell me with a 3 year ban), and expect Craig Whyte to agree a final exit strategy.

    I’m saying expect something like this to be put on the table, that is not the same as expect this to happen.

    But…but…this is Rangers Football Club. I’ve done what I can to map it til, say, Friday but…check against delivery.

  8. Perhaps one of the questions we should ask of Doncaster is how this will affect our reputation as a footballing nation in Europe/Worldwide, Surely this will completely destroy any kind of sportsmanship or credibility our "top" flight league has. We would be a laughing stock. Let the cheating scum back in via newco or otherwise and the game is truly a bogey. Personally I think HMRC will put paid to ANY plans of newco except perhaps at a junior or pub team level. HMRC have been quoted (if only I could find the quote) as saying "Tax avoidance is considered a crime by HMRC and as such we will NOT enter into negotiations". Im sure it was newsnight or something, but I clearly remember that being quoted ages ago.

    Please die soon Rangers. My wife is going to divorce me for all the time im spending reading this thread!!

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