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Everything posted by akredz

  1. Maybe this is the new plan. SPL won't vote, SFL won't vote. Newco are stuck in limbo and wither and die as they're not in any league.
  2. So, some of the league sponsors said they would withdraw their sponsorship, some said they would renegotiate and some said they would continue, as is. It really comes down to how much spin and in which direction that spin goes. It is obvious to all that Scottish football is going to be in for a hard time for the forseeable future. I might be naive but I believe that if the clubs/leagues/overseeing bodies make the right decision (and that decision is the one that follows the existing rules) which results in a brand new football club starting life in SFL 3, then the fans will rally round their respective clubs. If they choose to ignore the feelings of the overwhelming majority of their paying customers, and somehow believe that rewarding dishonesty will be acceptable, I fear that those Chairmen are in for a rude awakening. It may be a bitter pill to swallow, the loss of sponsorship and income, and we may never have the same financial clout again but we may also be able to stand with our heads held high and say that we weren't bullied, blackmailed or bribed into accepting a morally bankrupt solution.
  3. The going to court bit is more to do with the speed involved. Being " important" won't affect that, I had to go to court for my 85 in a 60 zone, and I'm certainly not important. 5 points and 210 quid fine from the beak at Selkirk but no mention in the paper.
  4. It is my understanding, that a company in administration is not supposed to get credit ie, the Administrators are not meant to increase the outstanding debt level. Under normal circumstances, D&P would have been submitting their invoice on an agreed schedule, weekly or monthly and been getting paid the full amount. After all, what financially astute business would agree to do a million quids worth of "work" and then accept they were actually only going to get pennies in the pound .
  5. The Spartans issue wasn't even as major as being improperly signed, they simply forgot to put the date on the contract a second time. For some reason the SFA wanted the form dated twice, Spartans only did it once. And, it wasn't like they were trying to pull a fast one, the player in question had been a player of their's for 10 years.
  6. Is the P&B Consortium's offer not still on the table? We're maybe closer to being the new owners than we'd really like.......
  7. Sadly, I'm just not as confident as you regarding this. Common sense would dictate that if not putting the date on a contract twice ( the Spartans problem) resulted in the guilty party getting thrown out of the Scottish Cup, then the massive failings of RFC to bother with anything of much legality this season, HAS to merit a greater punishment than that imposed on the EoS club. It seems incredibly pointless to levy a fine on an organisation that would simply add that amount to the growing mountain of debt they have no intention of paying. So, from what we have been told, we're left with a choice of suspension or expulsion. As a fan of Scottish football, I'd be in full support of the decision to expel them from all senior levels of Scottish football. As a pragmatist, I could live with them getting a 1 year suspension. (Interested to know the SFA's proposed plan once the suspension was over.) As a realist, I suspect a Scottish Cup ban amidst howls of outrage from both sides - all the diddies saying it's not harsh enough and many of teh Orcs saying it's not fair and restriction on their right to trade.
  8. I'm pretty sure that somewhere back in the last dozen pages or so, it was said that there was a list of possible punishments. I believe someone quoted a couple of the more serious options - "a hard stare"and a "gonnie no dae that"
  9. NO. According to a company Finance Director that I know, once a company is in administration, they are not supposed to get anything on credit. After all, they've already proved they're incompetent at running a business, why should anyone give them even more "free" goods and services. That's the general accepted position, however H&D seem to be running the most unusual administration practice going, so who knows.
  10. Not trying to be a smartarse here (honestly) but if you're writing to any kind of professional body, I'd suggest that basic grammar and sentence structure should be adhered to.
  11. How come no-one has done one of those Hitler speech video things regarding the Orcs' current situation ?
  12. just about to post but caught your edit, so I'll just add - maybe in one of goram's worlds, they did.......
  13. Arsenal also had an EBT scheme, that came to light a good while back. HMRC smacked them and they agreed to pay back the outstanding tax. Gorams' right, the Arsenal and Rangers situations are exactly the same, the two clubs have followed the same path with the tax authorities and taken their punishment with good grace, held their hands up, said sorry and paid what they were due.
  14. What happened with Aluko wasn't a transfer, as he was no longer under contract. We were due compensation as he was under 24. The H%ns didn't want/couldn't afford to pay that, so in order for Aluko to be able to sign a deal, he stumped up the cash AFC were due, himself.
  15. As someone who used to work for HMRC, we weren't in the habit of "giving nods" as green claims. In fact, we pretty much didn't like to give any verbal answers and certainly not when the questions were of the" well, what if we pay this..,,," Every time I think I'm getting a bit apathetic about the H&ns and their criminal enterprises, something else comes along to reinvigorate the outrage.
  16. There certainly weren't many answers........ What questions did it raise with you that you hadn't wondered about before?
  17. I think the letter that said Ronald (Watteraus) will get 510 000 through EBT - and then stated that Rangers would only pay that to him through the EBT might be considered evidence of a second contract and a specified amount.
  18. there were indications of "side letters" disclosed - specifically Watteraus and papac mentioned.
  19. Nobody knew anything. Every penny invested in Rangers by both SDM and Whyte has been borrowed. D&P's coat is on a very shoogly nail The BTC appeal panel should be reading some of those side letters out loud. Summmary -not even the Orcs can sweep this under the carpet.
  20. Milne in spineless, can't make a statement non-shocker...................
  21. If I was a Killie fan, I'd have a very sore head from banging it against that brick wall. Can you guys not have a word with your chairman and tell him to stop slathering. To paraphrase, sod the creditors, they're going to get the square root of bugger all anyway, whether through CVA or a newco, all that matters is the Blue Bigot Bros are still able to do what they want and no-one is going to do anything about it. Grow a pair, Johnston ! And the rest of them could do with coming out like the St J chap and making a stand. Milne - that definitely includes you.
  22. I have been convinced they're going to be out of business, convinced they're going to get away with it , and just about everything in between. The way that ND keeps promoting the "no difference" position, and the general lack of bottle from the Chairmen pushes me towards the I think they'll escape camp. My only real hope is the BTC, the resulting penalties when their appeal is finally quashed and then the double contracts punishment will be the thing that they just can't sweep under the carpet.
  23. You want to try using the English one too . Maybe they're all Private Eye readers and it's the spread of Franglais.
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