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Posts posted by monrovianmonk

  1. "

    If our application were to be accepted, Rangers will play in whichever division the SFL sees fit and we will move forward from there." - Charles Green 5th July 2012


    "Now understood that on the back of a briefing SPL chief executive Neil Doncaster and SFA counterpart Stewart Regan gave to clubs last week that the SPL will introduce a plan for SPL 2 - which would include Rangers - and invite existing Division One members to join." - Rangers - Rangers, 13th July 2012

    Charles Green - liar!


    RANGERS STATEMENT ON CLUB WEBSITE"Rangers' future remains uncertain after the Scottish Football League clubs voted against the Light Blues playing in the First Division next season.

    "At a meeting at Hampden today, the 30 member clubs agreed to accept Rangers into the SFL but voted against the SFL board being allowed to broker a deal with the SPL and SFA over new structures and procedures which would also include Rangers playing in Division One.

    "It is now understood that on the back of a briefing SPL chief executive Neil Doncaster and SFA counterpart Stewart Regan gave to clubs last week that the SPL will introduce a plan for SPL 2 - which would include Rangers - and invite existing Division One members to join."

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